Class PnDevice
Redaktör RK/JE
Version 1.0
Modified 21-APR-2009 13:41:08.17
Configures a Profinet device.

Baseobject for a profinet device. Reside below a profinet agent object.
In the attribute GSDMfile the gsdmlfile for the current device is stated.
When the gsdml�file is supplied the device can be configured by the Profinet
configurator. See ProviewR documentation 'Guide to I/O System' for more
information. See also a Case Study class ABB_ACS880_PnDevice.

Note 'DeviceName' is the most important setting and defines the device on
the network. When IO communication starts the Profinet stack will first
look up all the devices on the network by the name.

There is a viewer tool for searching a network for Profinet devices and to set the
'DeviceName'. The viewer is started from a terminal window with the shell command:

> profinet_viewer [device]

Where 'device' is the network device, eg eth0. By default the profinet_viewer will
connect to eth1.

The ProviewR runtime environment should be stopped on the current node before the
the viewer is started.

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_PnDevice
String80 Description   Description.
String80 Specification   Specification of device.
URL DataSheet   Link to datasheet for device.
String80 GSDMLfile   Location of GSDML-file defining this device.
Status Status   Status of device.
IoProcessMask Process   Process that handles the device. Plc(1), rt_io_comm(2) or application process(4).
Objid ThreadObject   Plc-thread that will run the Profinet I/O.
PbStallActionEnum StallAction  
Float32 StartupTime  
UInt16 ErrorCount   ErrorCount will increase every cycle if status is not PN__NORMAL.
UInt16 ErrorSoftLimit   If stall action is reset inputs, all inputs will be set to zero when this limit is reached.
UInt16 ErrorHardLimit   If stall action is emergency break, this action will be invoked when limit is reached.
PnDeviceStateMask State   State of communication to device.
UInt16 NoDiffModules   Number of modules that are configured incorrectly.

Check the modules for more info.
ByteOrderingEnum ByteOrdering   Byte ordering of integral data.
FloatRepEnum FloatRepresentation   Floting point representation.
PnDeviceAlarmActionMask AlarmActionSelect  
PnAlarmBuffer AlarmBuffer   Alarm from this device.
PnWriteReq WriteReq   Request to write data to a subslot
PnReadReq ReadReq  

Template Object
IOCS 128
Process 1
StallAction 1
StartupTime 5.000000e+00
ErrorSoftLimit 100
ErrorHardLimit 1000
ByteOrdering 1
AlarmActionSelect 2
AlarmBuffer.BufferSize 10

Attributes detail

Description Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody

Specification Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Specification of device.

DataSheet Attribute
Klass Attribute
Kropp RtBody
Link to datasheet for device.

GSDMLfile Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Location of GSDML-file defining this device.

Status Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Status
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Status of device.

IOCS Attribute
Klass Attribute
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody

Process Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ IoProcessMask
Kropp RtBody
Process that handles the device.

1: The device is read by the plc process, and is handled by a specific
   thread in the plc, which is specified in the ThreadObject attribute.
2: The device is read by the rt_io_comm process.
4: The device is handled by an application program.

ThreadObject Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Objid
Kropp RtBody
Plc-thread that will run the Profinet I/O.

StallAction Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PbStallActionEnum
Kropp RtBody

StartupTime Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Float32
Kropp RtBody

ErrorCount Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
ErrorCount will increase every cycle if status is not PN__NORMAL.

ErrorSoftLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
If stall action is reset inputs, all inputs will be set to zero when this limit is reached.

ErrorHardLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
If stall action is emergency break, this action will be invoked when limit is reached.

State Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnDeviceStateMask
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
State of communication to device.

NoDiffModules Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Number of modules that are configured incorrectly.

Check the modules for more info.

ByteOrdering Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ByteOrderingEnum
Kropp RtBody
Byte ordering of integral data.

FloatRepresentation Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ FloatRepEnum
Kropp RtBody
Floting point representation.

AlarmActionSelect Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnDeviceAlarmActionMask
Kropp RtBody

AlarmBuffer Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnAlarmBuffer
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
Alarm from this device.

WriteReq Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnWriteReq
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
Request to write data to a subslot

ReadReq Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnReadReq
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody