Class PnModule
Redaktör RK/JE
Version 1.0
Modified 21-APR-2009 13:41:08.17
Configures a Profinet module.

This object configures the data exchange between a Profinet Slave Device and a
Profinet Master.

The class PnModule will be valid for all types of modules. In many cases there exist
prepared subclasses of the PnModule­class for the specific module. This is for example
the case for a Siemens ET200M device. For the prepared classes the IO channels will
exist as a part of the module�object. The prepared classes should be used if they exist.
See ProviewR documentation 'Guide to I/O Systemfor more information.

Configuration (prepared subclasses)
One device object (not this module object) are placed as children to the master. For
the device object, a profinet configurator is opened, that configures the device object
and creates this module objects for the modules handled by the device. See
a Case Study in class ABB_ACS880_PnDevice for more information.

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_PnModule
String80 Description   Description of this module.
String80 Specification   Specification of module.
String40 ModuleName   Name of module.
UInt32 Slot   Slot number. Used by the Profinet configurator.
IoProcessMask Process   Process that handles the module. Plc(1), rt_io_comm(2) or application process(4).
Objid ThreadObject   Plc-thread that will run the Profinet i/o.
Status Status   Status of module.
URL DataSheet   Datasheet for module.
PnModuleAlarmActionMask AlarmActionSelect  
PnModuleStateEnum State  
UInt32 RealIdentNumber   The real ident number of the device occupying this slot.

Template Object
Process 1
AlarmActionSelect 1
State 4294967295

Attributes detail

Description Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Description of this module.

Specification Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Specification of module.

ModuleName Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String40
Kropp RtBody
Name of module.

Slot Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Flags Noedit
Kropp RtBody
Slot number. Used by the Profinet configurator.

Process Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ IoProcessMask
Kropp RtBody
Process that handles the module.

1: The module is read by the plc process, and is handled by a specific
   thread in the plc, which is specified in the ThreadObject attribute.
2: The module is read by the rt_io_comm process.
4: The module is handled by an application program.

ThreadObject Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Objid
Kropp RtBody
Plc-thread that will run the Profinet i/o.

Status Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Status
Kropp RtBody
Status of module.

DataSheet Attribute
Klass Attribute
Kropp RtBody
Datasheet for module.

AlarmActionSelect Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnModuleAlarmActionMask
Kropp RtBody

State Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PnModuleStateEnum
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody

RealIdentNumber Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
The real ident number of the device occupying this slot.