Class Hilscher_cifX_PnController
Version 1.0
Modified 23-MAY-2011 11:01:53.65
 Agent object for a Hilscher cifX board with Profnet controller

 The object is configured as a child to the node object.
 The devices on the Profinet bus are configured as children to
 the PnController object. These object should be of class PnDevice
 or of a subclass of PnDevice. The devices are configured with the
 Profinet configurator.

 The Alias attribute has to correspond to the alias setting for the
 driver configuration for the board in the device.conf file.

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_Hilscher_cifX_PnController
String80 Description   Optional description.
String80 Specification   Specification of the board.
URL DataSheet   Datasheet URL.
String32 IP_Address   IP address for the controller.
String40 SubnetMask   Subnet mask for the controller.
String40 DeviceName   Device name for controller.
String40 DeviceType   Device type.
String40 Alias   The alias attribute is used to identify the board.
It should correspond to the alias setting in the device.conf file.
UInt32 Channel   Channel. Only channel 0 is implemented.
UInt32 Status   Controller status.
The status is displayed in decimal form and has to be converted
to hexadecimal form to be identified in the cifX manual.
A description is dislayed in the ErrorStr attribute.
0 is sucess status.
IoProcessMask Process   Process that handles the module. Plc(1), rt_io_comm(2) or application process(4).
Objid ThreadObject   Plc thread that handles the card.
UInt32 ErrorCount   Error counter, incremented for every failed read or write operation of the card.
When the error counter reaches ErrorSoftLimit, a message is sent to the console log.
When it reaches ErrorHardLimit, all IO handling is aborted.
String80 ErrorStr   Text string for an error status.
UInt32 ErrorSoftLimit   Value of the error counter, when a message is sent to the console log.
UInt32 ErrorHardLimit   Value of the error counter, when all IO handling is aborted.
Hilscher_cifX_Diag Diag   Diagnosis data.

Template Object
DeviceName controller
DeviceType cifX RE/PNM
Process 1
ErrorSoftLimit 25
ErrorHardLimit 50

Attributes detail

Description Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Optional description.

Specification Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Specification of the board.

DataSheet Attribute
Klass Attribute
Kropp RtBody
Datasheet URL.

IP_Address Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String32
Kropp RtBody
IP address for the controller.

SubnetMask Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String40
Kropp RtBody
Subnet mask for the controller.

DeviceName Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String40
Kropp RtBody
Device name for controller.

DeviceType Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String40
Kropp RtBody
Device type.

Alias Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String40
Kropp RtBody
The alias attribute is used to identify the board.
It should correspond to the alias setting in the device.conf file.

Channel Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Kropp RtBody
Channel. Only channel 0 is implemented.

Status Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Kropp RtBody
Controller status.
The status is displayed in decimal form and has to be converted
to hexadecimal form to be identified in the cifX manual.
A description is dislayed in the ErrorStr attribute.
0 is sucess status.

Process Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ IoProcessMask
Kropp RtBody
Process that handles the module.

1: The module is read by the plc process, and is handled by a specific
   thread in the plc, which is specified in the ThreadObject attribute.
2: The module is read by the rt_io_comm process.
4: The module is handled by an application program.

ThreadObject Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Objid
Kropp RtBody
The PlcThread object of the plc thread that handles the card.
The card is read with the scantime of the thread.

ErrorCount Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Flags State|Noedit
Kropp RtBody
Error counter, incremented for every failed read or write operation of the card.
When the error counter reaches ErrorSoftLimit, a message is sent to the console log.
When it reaches ErrorHardLimit, all IO handling is aborted.

ErrorStr Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Text string for an error status.

ErrorSoftLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Kropp RtBody
Value of the error counter, when a message is sent to the console log.

ErrorHardLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Kropp RtBody
Value of the error counter, when all IO handling is aborted.

Diag Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Hilscher_cifX_Diag
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
Diagnosis data.