Class ABB_ACS880_Epl_1
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Version 1.0
Modified 05-JUL-2013 15:25:03.14
 ABB Frequencyvconverter ACS880 with Powerlink communication.

 This object handles communication with an ABB ACS880 frequency converter over
 Ethernet Powerlink. The object graph and more graph shows the most vital IO signals.

 In addition to the signals used by the ACS880_1, signals that can be user defined
 are present in the Powerlink message. For example digital inputs User1 to User5 are
 normally not used by the converter, and might be used for a local start/stop unit.
 See the Powerlink module object ABB_ACS880_Epl for more information.

 The full value of this object will be achieved if you use object ACS880MotorAggr
 (motor, pump or fan), see class ABB_ACS880MotorAggr.

Object Graph

More Graph
 Press the "More.." button in the object  graph to open the graph. The status of the
 two most important words are found here, the control word CW (write) and the status
 word SW1.

Plc coding
 For plc coding the function object ABB_ACS880_1Fo is used.
 Create a function object in the plc editor and connect it to the current
 object with the connect function.

Simple example ABB_ACS880_1 or ABB_ACS880_Epl_1 function object
 The function object basic task is to read and write to the converter
 statusword SW, control word CW, reference REF and actualvalue ACT.

 For simulation of ACS880_Epl_1, use the plc function object ABB_ACS880_1Sim.

 For Powerlink connection use the powerlink IO Module object ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.
 The object is included as a Io attribute of the Powerlink module object
 ABB_ACS880_Epl, i.e. create an ABB_ACS880_Epl object in the node hierarchy and connect
 the Io attribute to the current object with the connect IO function.

IO connect methode

Result of an IO connect

IO settings
 Some settings is needed in the converter to match the PlcPgm code and
 the object graph, see class ABB_ACS880_Epl for more information.

 Consider the scale settings in the analog channel object of the
 ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule object.

 -Signal RefSpeed   channel O_REF
 -Signal ActSpeed   channel I_ACT
 -Signal ActCurrent channel I_CURR_0107  (32bit)
 -Signal ActTorque  channel I_TORQ_0110

 All the signals between the converter and PLC are displayed in the figure below.

 The ACS880_Epl_1 signal interface to converter has two important words named
 controlword CW and statusword SW. The CW word are not easy to understand.
 For detailed information see ABB manuals.

Powerlink ABB communication Profile Control and Status word
 The Control word is the principal means for controlling the drive
 from a fieldbus system. The fieldbus master station sends the
 Control word to the drive through the adapter module. The drive
 switches between its states according to the bit-coded instructions
 in the Control word and returns status information to the master in
 the Status word. The contents of the Control word and the Status word
 are detailed below.

 Description from ABB manual.

 Description from ABB manual.

ACS800 comparison
 ABB_ACS880_Epl_1 is derived from ABB_ACS800_1 with the following improvements

  -Safe torque off input in the converter i.e. new output [sto] in function object and new signal.
  -All fault and warning messages in text form in object graph.
  -After a stop command it is now possible to start directly without waiting for stop to complete.
  -Graphical interface with more status and a new user status word.
  -Predefined inputs named "User 1" to "User 5" displayed in the object graph.
  -ConvertReady signal added that pays attention to the new STO input (safe torque off)
  -New signal "zero speed" and "magnetized" (good to have in synchronous start etc.)

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_ABB_ACS880_Epl_1
ABB_ACS880_1 Super   See class ABB_ACS880_1 for more information about attributes.

Template Object
Super.Specification ABB ACS880 Frequency converter
Super.DisableInIdPar 1
Super.DisableInIndPar 1
Super.DisableInValuePar 1
Super.MainStatusSW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_SW
Super.ActSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_ACT
Super.ActSpeed.Unit r/m
Super.ActSpeed.NoOfDecimals 1
Super.ActSpeed.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+03
Super.ActSpeed.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+03
Super.ActSpeed.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed
Super.ActCurrent.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_CURR_0107
Super.ActCurrent.Unit A
Super.ActCurrent.NoOfDecimals 2
Super.ActCurrent.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+02
Super.ActCurrent.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+02
Super.ActCurrent.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActCurrent
Super.ActTorque.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_TORQ_0110
Super.ActTorque.Unit %
Super.ActTorque.NoOfDecimals 1
Super.ActTorque.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+02
Super.ActTorque.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+02
Super.ActTorque.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActTorque
Super.UserStatusSW1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_USW1_0650
Super.ActiveWarning1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_WARN1_0406
Super.ActiveFault1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.I_FAULT1_0401
Super.DisableOutIdPar 1
Super.DisableOutIndPar 1
Super.DisableValuePar 1
Super.MainControlCW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.O_CW
Super.RefSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_IoModule.O_REF
Super.RefSpeed.Unit r/m
Super.RefSpeed.NoOfDecimals 1
Super.RefSpeed.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+03
Super.RefSpeed.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+03
Super.RefSpeed.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed
Super.DisableOpWritePar 1
Super.DisableOpReadPar 1
Super.DisableOpBackupPar 1
Super.DisableOpWrite16bit 1
Super.PowerUpTime 1.500000e+01
Super.DisableRequestPar 1
Super.DisableWriteValuePar 1
Super.DisableReadValuePar 1
Super.DisableReadCodePar 1
Super.DisableReadCodeParMess 1
Super.DisableReadCodeParErrMess 1
Super.DisableReadCodeSubPar 1
Super.AlarmLocalMod.DetectOn 1
Super.AlarmLocalMod.DetectText Frequency converter is in local mode
Super.AlarmLocalMod.EventType 64
Super.AlarmLocalMod.EventPriority 66
Super.AlarmLocalMod.EventFlags 7
Super.AlarmLocalMod.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template
Super.AlarmLocalMod.CtrlPosition 1
Super.AlarmLocalMod.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
Super.AlarmLocalMod.LockAttribute 1
Super.AlarmTripped.DetectOn 1
Super.AlarmTripped.DetectText Frequency converter tripped, reset is required
Super.AlarmTripped.EventType 64
Super.AlarmTripped.EventPriority 67
Super.AlarmTripped.EventFlags 7
Super.AlarmTripped.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template
Super.AlarmTripped.CtrlPosition 1
Super.AlarmTripped.LockAttribute 1
Super.AlarmFanOld.DetectOn 1
Super.AlarmFanOld.DetectText Maintenance replace of cooling fan in converter required
Super.AlarmFanOld.EventType 64
Super.AlarmFanOld.EventPriority 66
Super.AlarmFanOld.EventFlags 7
Super.AlarmFanOld.MoreText Check the drivers internal fan.
Super.AlarmFanOld.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template
Super.AlarmFanOld.CtrlPosition 1
Super.AlarmFanOld.LockAttribute 1
Super.AlarmWarning.DetectOn 1
Super.AlarmWarning.DetectText Frequency converter warning
Super.AlarmWarning.EventType 64
Super.AlarmWarning.EventPriority 66
Super.AlarmWarning.EventFlags 7
Super.AlarmWarning.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template
Super.AlarmWarning.CtrlPosition 1
Super.AlarmWarning.TimerTime 5.000000e+00
Super.AlarmWarning.LockAttribute 1
Super.AlarmConnection.DetectOn 1
Super.AlarmConnection.DetectText No connection
Super.AlarmConnection.EventType 64
Super.AlarmConnection.EventPriority 67
Super.AlarmConnection.EventFlags 7
Super.AlarmConnection.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template
Super.AlarmConnection.CtrlPosition 1
Super.AlarmConnection.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
Super.AlarmConnection.LockAttribute 1
Super.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.PlotGroup
Super.DataSheet $pwr_lang/dsh/abb_acs880.html
Super.TrendActSpeed.Multiple 1
Super.TrendActSpeed.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.ActSpeed.ActualValue
Super.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime 239
Super.TrendActTorque.Multiple 1
Super.TrendActTorque.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.ActTorque.ActualValue
Super.TrendActTorque.StorageTime 239
Super.TrendActCurrent.Multiple 1
Super.TrendActCurrent.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.ActCurrent.ActualValue
Super.TrendActCurrent.StorageTime 239
Super.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple 1
Super.TrendRefSpeed.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.RefSpeed.ActualValue
Super.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime 239
Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed
Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed
Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActTorque
Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[3] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_Epl_1-Template.Super.TrendActCurrent
Super.PlotGroup.YUnit[1] %
Super.PlotGroup.YUnit[2] A
Super.PlotGroup.NumPoints 478

Attributes detail

Super Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ABB_ACS880_1
Flags Class|Superclass
Kropp RtBody
 See class ABB_ACS880_1 for more information about attributes.