Class ABB_ACS880_1
Author je
Version 1.0
Modified 24-JUN-2013 11:11:04.82
 ABB Frequency converter ACS880.

 This object handles communication with an ABB ACS880 frequency converter over
 Profibus DP, protocol PPO7. The object graph and more graph below displays the
 most vital IO signals.

 In addition to the signals used by the ACS880_1, signals that can be user defined
 are present in the Profibus message. For example digital inputs Di1 to Di6 are
 normally not used by the converter, and might be used for a local start/stop unit.
 Via user status word 1 you could also get free programmable signals named
 "User 1" to "User 5". See also converter parameter group 6.71 to 6.75.
 See the Profibus module object ABB_ACS800_PPO5 for more information.

 The full value of this object will be achieved if you use object ACS880MotorAggr
 (motor, pump or fan), see class ABB_ACS880MotorAggr.

Object Graph

More Graph
 Simple writing/reading of parameters. Press the "More.." button in the object
 graph to open the graph. The status of the two most important words are found
 here, the control word CW (write) and the status word SW1.

Plc coding
 For plc coding the function object ABB_ACS880_1Fo is used.
 Create a function object in the plc editor and connect it to the current
 object with the connect function.

Simple example ACS880_1 function object
 The function object basic task is to read and write to the converter
 statusword SW, control word CW, reference REF and actualvalue ACT.

 For simulation of ACS880_1, use the plc function object ABB_ACS880_1sim.

 There is a specific Profibus slave and module object available that can be used to
 configure the Profibus PPO5 connection, ABB_ACS880_Pb_Slave and ABB_ACS880_PPO7.
 The module object contains an ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule object that contains all
 the channel objects for the communication.

 Create a slave object under the profibus master, and open the profibus configurator.
 Select the PPO7 type and the ABB_ACS880_PPO7 class.
 Then connect the IoModule object to the ABB_ACS880_1 object with the IoConnect function.
 See also ABB_ACS880_Pb_Slave for more information.

IO connect methode

Result of an IO connect

IO settings
 A lot of settings are needed in the converter to match the PlcPgm code and
 the object graph, see class ABB_ACS880_PPO7 for more information.

 Consider the scale settings in the analog channel object of the
 ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule object.

 -Signal RefSpeed   channel O_REF
 -Signal ActSpeed   channel I_ACT
 -Signal ActCurrent channel I_PZD3_PZD4  (32bit)
 -Signal ActTorque channel I_PZD5

 All the signals between the converter and PLC are displayed in the figure below.

 The ACS880_1 signal interface to converter has two important words named
 controlword CW and statusword SW. The CW word are not easy to understand.
 For detailed information see ABB manuals.

Profibus ABB communication Profile Control and Status word
 The Control word is the principal means for controlling the converter
 from a fieldbus system. The fieldbus master station sends the
 Control word to the converter through the adapter module. The converter
 switches between its states according to the bit-coded instructions
 in the Control word and returns status information to the master in
 the Status word. A detailed description of the Control word and the
 Status word is displayed in the figure below.

 Description from ABB manual.

 Descripton from ABB manual.

ACS800 comparison
 ABB_ACS880_1 is derived from ABB_ACS800_1 with the following improvements

  -Safe torque off input in the converter i.e. new output [sto] in function object and new signal.
  -All fault and warning messages in text form in object graph.
  -Alarm message converter fault (inhibit) removed.
  -After a stop command it is now possible to start directly without waiting for stop to complete.
  -Graphical interface with more status and a new user status word.
  -Predefined input named "User 1" to "User 5" displayed in the object graph.
  -ConvertReady signal added that pays attention to the new STO input (safe torque off)
  -New signal "zero speed" and "magnetized" (good to have in synchronous start etc.)

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_ABB_ACS880_1
String80 Description   converter name
String80 Specification   Electrical data and size converter
Ii InIdPar   Parameter Identification (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")
Ii InIndPar   Index for Array (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")
Ii InValuePar   Parameter Value (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")
Ii MainStatusSW  
Main Status Word SW, see also object graph "more..."
for online status.

bit 0-15
1 = status true
0 = status false

0 RDY_ON (use this bit if false to reset start signals to avoid unwanted motor restart)
0 No fault
1 OFF2 inactive
1 OFF3 inactive
1 Warning/Alarm
0 No Warning/Alarm
1 OPERATING. Actual value equals reference value (= is within tolerance limits).
0 Actual value differs from reference value (= is outside tolerance limits).
1 Converter control location: REMOTE
0 Converter control location: LOCAL
1 Converter control location: REMOTE (EXT1 or EXT2)
0 Converter control location: LOCAL
1 Actual frequency or speed equals or exceeds supervision limit (set by converter parameter).
Valid in both directions of rotation.
0 Actual frequency or speed within supervision limit
11 User bit 0 (default EXT_CTRL_LOC)
1 not define (External Control Location EXT2 selected)
0 not define (External Control Location EXT1 selected)
12 User bit 1 (defaultEXT_RUN_ ENABLE)
1 not define (External Run Enable signal received)
0 not define (No External Run Enable signal received)
13 User bit 2
1 not define
0 not define
14 User bit 3
1 not define
0 not define
15 FBA_ERROR (Status only valid in converter)
1 Communication error detected by fieldbus adapter module
0 Fieldbus adapter communication OK
Ai ActSpeed   Actual Value Speed
Ai ActCurrent   Actual Value Current
Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ai affect the object graph
bar scale and trend.
Ai ActTorque   Actual Value Torque
Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ai affect the object graph
bar scale and trend.
Ii UserStatusSW1   User status word USW1, see object graph for
online status.

This word is free to configure and bit 11-15
User 1, User 2 etc. is not defined.

bit 0-15
1 = status true
0 = status false

0 Di1 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di1)
1 not define
0 not define
1 Di2 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di2)
1 not define
0 not define
2 Di3 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di3)
1 not define
0 not define
3 Di4 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di4)
1 not define
0 not define
4 Di5 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di5)
1 not define
0 not define
5 Di6 digital input on the converter free to use (From function object output pin Di6)
1 not define
0 not define
6 Diil digital input DIIL (normal use for safety switch, from function object output pin diil)
1 not define
0 not define
7 STO digital inputs on the converter Safe Torque Off. From function object (output pin STO)
it is recommended to do some interlock and alarm message.
1 STO active (normal setting is tripp if running)
0 STO not active (Ok)
8 Magnetized (ready to move)
1 The motor has been magnetized
0 The motor has not been magnetized
9 Zero Speed (only valid if communication is up)
1 converter is running at zero zpeed i.e. stopped
0 converter is not running at zero zpeed
10 Maintain internal cabinet fan
1 Maintain the fan (generate alarm message)
0 Fan has not reached time limit yet
11 User 1 free to use
1 not define
0 not define
12 User 2 free to use
1 not define
0 not define
13 User 3 free to use
1 not define
0 not define
14 User 4 free to use
1 not define
0 not define
15 User 5 free to use
1 not define
0 not define
Ii ActiveWarning1   Active warning 1 message, see message in text form in object graph.
Ii ActiveFault1   Active fault 1 (tripped) message, see message in text form in object graph.
Io OutIdPar   Parameter Identification (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...").
Io OutIndPar   Index for Array (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")
Io OutValuePar   Parameter Value (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")
Io MainControlCW   Main control Word CW, start/stop reset etc, see also object graph "more..."
for online status.

bit 0-15
1 = status true
0 = status false

1 Proceed to READY TO OPERATE.
0 Stop along currently active deceleration ramp. Proceed to OFF1 ACTIVE; proceed
to READY TO SWITCH ON unless other interlocks (OFF2, OFF3) are active.
1 Continue operation (OFF2 inactive).
0 Emergency OFF, coast to stop. Proceed to OFF2 ACTIVE, proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED.
1 Continue operation (OFF3 inactive).
0 Emergency stop, stop within time defined by drive parameter. Proceed to OFF3 ACTIVE;
proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED. Warning: Ensure that motor and driven machine can be
stopped using this stop mode.
1 Proceed to OPERATION ENABLED. Note: Run enable signal must be active; see drive documentation.
If the drive is set to receive the Run enable signal from the fieldbus, this bit activates the
0 Inhibit operation. Proceed to OPERATION INHIBITED.
0 Force Ramp Function Generator output to zero. Drive ramps to stop (current and DC
voltage limits in force).
0 Halt ramping (Ramp Function Generator output held).
1 Normal operation. Proceed to OPERATING. Note: This bit is effective only if the
fieldbus interface is set as the source for this signal by drive parameters.
0 Force Ramp Function Generator input to zero.
7 RESET (reset tripped converter)
0-->1 Fault reset if an active fault exists. Proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED.
Note: This bit is effective only if the fieldbus interface is set as the
source for this signal by drive parameters.
0 Continue normal operation.
8 Reserved (jogg 1)
1 not define
0 not define
9 Reserved (jogg 2)
1 not define
0 not define
1 Fieldbus control enabled
0 Control word and reference not getting through to the drive, except for CW
bitsOFF1, OFF2 and OFF3.
1 Select External Control Location EXT2. Effective if control location parameterized to
be selected from fieldbus.
0 Select External Control Location EXT1. Effective if control location parameterized
to be selected from fieldbus.
12 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
1 not define
0 not define
13 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
1 not define
0 not define
14 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
1 not define
0 not define
15 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
1 not define
0 not define
Ao RefSpeed   Reference speed.
Attribute Unit in this Ao affect the object graph ActualValue and
SetValue unit, default r/m.
Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ao affect the object graph
bar scale and trend.
Boolean IndWarning   Indicator in object graph shows converter warning
Boolean IndError   Indicator in object graph shows converter fault/tripped
Boolean IndStops   Used in indicator startorder (flashing) in object graph thath
shows stop command has been activated.
Boolean OpReset   Button in object graph reset tripped converter
Boolean OpWritePar   Button in object graph "more..." write parameter
Boolean OpReadPar   Button in object graph "more..." read parameter
Boolean OpBackupPar   Button in object graph "more..." backup parameters in converter
Boolean OpWrite16bit   Option button in object graph "more..." Write 16 bit word
Boolean CommOk   Communication link to converter okey
Boolean AlarmOk   Converter has started up, alarm message "ready"
Boolean PowerStartUp   Converter starting up "wait", indicator "Status" in object graph flashing
Boolean ReadyRemote   Object ready for remote control
Boolean ConvertReady   Converter ready to start (MainStatusSW bit 0 and STO not active).
It is recommended to use this signal if false to reset
startorders from PLC to avoid unwanted motor restarts.
Boolean ConvertRun   Converter/motor running (MainStatusSW bit 2 and communication Ok).
Boolean ConvertTripped   Converter has tripped (MainStatusSW).
Message in text form in object graph.
Boolean ConvertInhibit   Converter inhibited (MainStatusSW)
Boolean ConvertWarning   Converter has warning (MainStatusSW).
Message in text form in object graph.
Boolean ConvertRemote   Converter not in local mode, remote/local button on the display-panel (MainStatusSW)
Boolean ConvertSTO   Converter Safe Torque Off "STO" (E-stop)(UserStatusSW1)
True if converter is interlocked by STO.
Boolean ConvertMagnetized   Converter magnetized, i.e. good to use for synchronously start
between converters (UserStatusSW1)
Boolean ConvertZeroSpeed   Converter zero speed (UserStatusSW1). Good to use for bit
control in control word (MainControlWord)
ABB_ACS880WarnMessEnum ConvertWarnMess1   Converter active warning message 1.
The warning message is displayed in the object graph.
Note, ProviewR displays the decimal value while the
the hexadecimal value is used in ABB references.
ABB_ASC880FaultMessEnum ConvertFaultMess1   Converter active fault/tripped message 1.
The fault message is displayed in the object graph.
Note, ProviewR displays the decimal value while the
the hexadecimal value is used in ABB references.
Float32 PowerUpTime   Converter estimated start up time (boot time) when
conveter is energized (power on).
Int32 RequestPar   Value "requested parameter" in object graph "more..."
Int32 WriteValuePar   Value "Write value parameter" in object graph "more..."
Int32 ReadValuePar   Value "read value parameter" in object graph "more..."
Int32 ReadCodePar   Value "return code value" in object graph "more..."
Int32 ReadCodeParMess   Value "Request/response message" in object graph "more..."
Int32 ReadCodeParErrMess   Value "Error message" in object graph "more..."
Int32 ReadCodeSubPar   Value "return code subindex value" in object graph "more..."
DSupComp AlarmLocalMod   Alarm text converter in local mod
DSupComp AlarmTripped   Alarm text converter has tripped
DSupComp AlarmFanOld   Alarm text converter internal fan need maintenance.

Reset alarm 'change fan' in the driver, see parameter 33.10
'On-time 1 actual' in the drivers control panel. The timer will
be reset if the 'reset' are depressed for over 3 seconds in
this parameter settings menu.
DSupComp AlarmWarning   Alarm text converter has warning
DSupComp AlarmConnection   Alarm text converter communication link is down
AttrRef DefTrend   Trend def.
String40 HelpTopic   Topic "linked" to button "i" and help menu "help" in object graph i.e.
help text in xtt_help.dat file, example, pump_P1.
URL DataSheet   Link to datasheet, example,
URL CircuitDiagram   Link to electrical diagram, example,
String80 Note   Topic field "Note" in object graph for text message
write by operator online.
URL Photo   Link to photo, example,
DsTrend TrendActSpeed   Signal actual speed connected to trend object
DsTrend TrendActTorque   Signal actual torque connected to trend object
DsTrend TrendActCurrent   Signal actual current connected to trend object
DsTrend TrendRefSpeed   Signal reference speed connected to trend object
PlotGroup PlotGroup   Plot group for all signals connected in trend objects
AttrRef PlcConnect   Connected ABB_ACS880_1Fo function object in PlcPgm.
AttrRef SimConnect   Connected ABB_ACS880_1Sim function object in PlcPgm.
Only needed if simulate object it used.
AttrRef IoConnect   Connected ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule communication object in
node hierarchy. Use Connect IO methode in the popup menu to
connect. This methode connect all signals between node and
plant hierarchy at once.
Pointer to Status IoStatus   Status link up from communication object
in node hierarchy ABB_ACS880_Pb_Slave
attribute Status.

Template Object
Specification ABB ACS880 Frequency converter
InIdPar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_ID
InIndPar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_IND
InValuePar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_VALUE
MainStatusSW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_SW
ActSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_ACT
ActSpeed.Unit r/m
ActSpeed.NoOfDecimals 1
ActSpeed.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+03
ActSpeed.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+03
ActSpeed.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActSpeed
ActCurrent.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_PZD3_4
ActCurrent.Unit A
ActCurrent.NoOfDecimals 2
ActCurrent.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+02
ActCurrent.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+02
ActCurrent.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActCurrent
ActTorque.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_PZD5
ActTorque.Unit %
ActTorque.NoOfDecimals 1
ActTorque.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+02
ActTorque.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+02
ActTorque.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActTorque
UserStatusSW1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_PZD6
ActiveWarning1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_PZD7
ActiveFault1.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.I_PZD8
OutIdPar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.O_ID
OutIndPar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.O_IND
OutValuePar.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.O_VALUE
MainControlCW.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.O_CW
RefSpeed.SigChanCon $IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule.O_REF
RefSpeed.Unit r/m
RefSpeed.NoOfDecimals 1
RefSpeed.PresMaxLimit 3.000000e+03
RefSpeed.PresMinLimit -3.000000e+03
RefSpeed.DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendRefSpeed
PowerUpTime 1.500000e+01
AlarmLocalMod.DetectOn 1
AlarmLocalMod.DetectText Frequency converter is in local mode
AlarmLocalMod.EventType 64
AlarmLocalMod.EventPriority 66
AlarmLocalMod.EventFlags 7
AlarmLocalMod.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template
AlarmLocalMod.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmLocalMod.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
AlarmLocalMod.LockAttribute 1
AlarmTripped.DetectOn 1
AlarmTripped.DetectText Frequency converter tripped, reset is required
AlarmTripped.EventType 64
AlarmTripped.EventPriority 67
AlarmTripped.EventFlags 7
AlarmTripped.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template
AlarmTripped.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmTripped.LockAttribute 1
AlarmFanOld.DetectOn 1
AlarmFanOld.DetectText Maintenance replace of cooling fan in converter required
AlarmFanOld.EventType 64
AlarmFanOld.EventPriority 66
AlarmFanOld.EventFlags 7
AlarmFanOld.MoreText Check the drivers internal fan.
AlarmFanOld.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template
AlarmFanOld.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmFanOld.LockAttribute 1
AlarmWarning.DetectOn 1
AlarmWarning.DetectText Frequency converter warning
AlarmWarning.EventType 64
AlarmWarning.EventPriority 66
AlarmWarning.EventFlags 7
AlarmWarning.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template
AlarmWarning.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmWarning.TimerTime 5.000000e+00
AlarmWarning.LockAttribute 1
AlarmConnection.DetectOn 1
AlarmConnection.DetectText No connection
AlarmConnection.EventType 64
AlarmConnection.EventPriority 67
AlarmConnection.EventFlags 7
AlarmConnection.Attribute ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template
AlarmConnection.CtrlPosition 1
AlarmConnection.TimerTime 3.000000e+00
AlarmConnection.LockAttribute 1
DefTrend ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.PlotGroup
DataSheet $pwr_lang/dsh/abb_acs880.html
TrendActSpeed.Multiple 1
TrendActSpeed.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.ActSpeed.ActualValue
TrendActSpeed.StorageTime 239
TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] 1
TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] 1
TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers 2
TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement 239
TrendActTorque.Multiple 1
TrendActTorque.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.ActTorque.ActualValue
TrendActTorque.StorageTime 239
TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[0] 1
TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[1] 1
TrendActTorque.NoOfBuffers 2
TrendActTorque.NoOfBufElement 239
TrendActCurrent.Multiple 1
TrendActCurrent.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.ActCurrent.ActualValue
TrendActCurrent.StorageTime 239
TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[0] 1
TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[1] 1
TrendActCurrent.NoOfBuffers 2
TrendActCurrent.NoOfBufElement 239
TrendRefSpeed.Multiple 1
TrendRefSpeed.DataName ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.RefSpeed.ActualValue
TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime 239
TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] 1
TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] 1
TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers 2
TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement 239
PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActSpeed
PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendRefSpeed
PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActTorque
PlotGroup.YObjectName[3] ABB:Class-ABB_ACS880_1-Template.TrendActCurrent
PlotGroup.YUnit[0] r/m
PlotGroup.YUnit[1] r/m
PlotGroup.YUnit[2] %
PlotGroup.YUnit[3] A
PlotGroup.YMaxValue[0] 3000
PlotGroup.YMaxValue[1] 3000
PlotGroup.YMaxValue[2] 300
PlotGroup.YMaxValue[3] 200
PlotGroup.YMinValue[0] -3000
PlotGroup.YMinValue[1] -3000
PlotGroup.YMinValue[2] -300
PlotGroup.YMinValue[3] -200
PlotGroup.NumPoints 478

Attributes detail

Description Attribute
Class Attribute
Type String80
Body RtBody
converter name

Specification Attribute
Class Attribute
Type String80
Body RtBody
Electrical data and size converter

InIdPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Parameter Identification (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")

InIndPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Index for Array (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")

InValuePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
 Parameter Value (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")

MainStatusSW Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class
Body RtBody

Main Status Word SW, see also object graph "more..."
for online status.

 bit 0-15
   1 = status true
   0 = status false

 0 RDY_ON  (use this bit if false to reset start signals to avoid unwanted motor restart)
    1 FAULT
    0 No fault
 4 OFF_2_STA
    1 OFF2 inactive
 5 OFF_3_STA
    1 OFF3 inactive
    1 Warning/Alarm
    0 No Warning/Alarm
    1 OPERATING. Actual value equals reference value (= is within tolerance limits).
    0 Actual value differs from reference value (= is outside tolerance limits).
    1 Converter control location: REMOTE
    0 Converter control location: LOCAL
    1 Converter control location: REMOTE (EXT1 or EXT2)
    0 Converter control location: LOCAL
    1 Actual frequency or speed equals or exceeds supervision limit (set by converter parameter).
     Valid in both directions of rotation.
    0 Actual frequency or speed within supervision limit
 11 User bit 0    (default EXT_CTRL_LOC)
    1  not define  (External Control Location EXT2 selected)
    0  not define  (External Control Location EXT1 selected)
 12 User bit 1    (defaultEXT_RUN_ ENABLE)
    1  not define  (External Run Enable signal received)
    0  not define  (No External Run Enable signal received)
 13 User bit 2
    1  not define
    0  not define
 14 User bit 3
    1  not define
    0  not define
 15 FBA_ERROR (Status only valid in converter)
    1 Communication error detected by fieldbus adapter module
    0 Fieldbus adapter communication OK

ActSpeed Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ai
Flags Class
Body RtBody
 Actual Value Speed

ActCurrent Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ai
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Actual Value Current
   Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ai affect the object graph
   bar scale and trend.

ActTorque Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ai
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Actual Value Torque
   Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ai affect the object graph
   bar scale and trend.

UserStatusSW1 Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   User status word USW1, see object graph for
   online status.

   This word is free to configure and bit 11-15
   User 1, User 2 etc. is not defined.

 bit 0-15
   1 = status true
   0 = status false

 0 Di1 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di1)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 1 Di2 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di2)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 2 Di3 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di3)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 3 Di4 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di4)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 4 Di5 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di5)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 5 Di6 digital input on the converter free to use  (From function object output pin Di6)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 6 Diil digital input DIIL (normal use for safety switch, from function object output pin diil)
    1 not define
    0 not define
 7 STO digital inputs on the converter Safe Torque Off. From function object (output pin STO)
       it is recommended to do some  interlock and alarm message.
    1 STO active (normal setting is tripp if running)
    0 STO not active (Ok)
 8 Magnetized (ready to move)
    1 The motor has been magnetized
    0 The motor has not been magnetized
 9 Zero Speed (only valid if communication is up)
    1 converter is running at zero zpeed i.e. stopped
    0 converter is not running at zero zpeed
10 Maintain internal cabinet fan
    1 Maintain the fan (generate alarm message)
    0 Fan has not reached time limit yet
11 User 1 free to use
    1 not define
    0 not define
12 User 2 free to use
    1 not define
    0 not define
13 User 3 free to use
    1 not define
    0 not define
14 User 4 free to use
    1 not define
    0 not define
15 User 5 free to use
    1 not define
    0 not define

ActiveWarning1 Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Active warning 1 message, see message in text form in object graph.

ActiveFault1 Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ii
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Active fault 1 (tripped) message, see message in text form in object graph.

OutIdPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Io
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
  Parameter Identification (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...").

OutIndPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Io
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Index for Array (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")

OutValuePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Io
Flags Class|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Parameter Value (online parameter handling, see object graph "more...")

MainControlCW Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Io
Flags Class
Body RtBody
Main control Word CW, start/stop reset etc, see also object graph "more..."
for online status.

 bit 0-15
   1 = status true
   0 = status false

  1 Proceed to READY TO OPERATE.
  0 Stop along currently active deceleration ramp. Proceed to OFF1 ACTIVE; proceed
   to READY TO SWITCH ON unless other interlocks (OFF2, OFF3) are active.
  1 Continue operation (OFF2 inactive).
  0 Emergency OFF, coast to stop. Proceed to OFF2 ACTIVE, proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED.
  1 Continue operation (OFF3 inactive).
  0 Emergency stop, stop within time defined by drive parameter. Proceed to OFF3 ACTIVE;
   proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED. Warning: Ensure that motor and driven machine can be
   stopped using this stop mode.
  1 Proceed to OPERATION ENABLED. Note: Run enable signal must be active; see drive documentation.
   If the drive is set to receive the Run enable signal from the fieldbus, this bit activates the
  0 Inhibit operation. Proceed to OPERATION INHIBITED.
  1 Normal operation. Proceed to RAMP FUNCTION GENERATOR: OUTPUT ENABLED.
  0 Force Ramp Function Generator output to zero. Drive ramps to stop (current and DC
   voltage limits in force).
  1 Enable ramp function. Proceed to RAMP FUNCTION GENERATOR: ACCELERATOR ENABLED.
  0 Halt ramping (Ramp Function Generator output held).
  1 Normal operation. Proceed to OPERATING. Note: This bit is effective only if the
   fieldbus interface is set as the source for this signal by drive parameters.
  0 Force Ramp Function Generator input to zero.
7 RESET (reset tripped converter)
  0-->1 Fault reset if an active fault exists. Proceed to SWITCH-ON INHIBITED.
   Note: This bit is effective only if the fieldbus interface is set as the
   source for this signal by drive parameters.
  0 Continue normal operation.
8 Reserved (jogg 1)
  1 not define
  0 not define
9 Reserved (jogg 2)
  1 not define
  0 not define
  1 Fieldbus control enabled
  0 Control word and reference not getting through to the drive, except for CW
   bitsOFF1, OFF2 and OFF3.
  1 Select External Control Location EXT2. Effective if control location parameterized to
   be selected from fieldbus.
  0 Select External Control Location EXT1. Effective if control location parameterized
   to be selected from fieldbus.
12 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
  1 not define
  0 not define
13 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
  1 not define
  0 not define
14 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
  1 not define
  0 not define
15 Drive-specific (For information, see the drive documentation)
  1 not define
  0 not define

RefSpeed Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Ao
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Reference speed.
   Attribute Unit in this Ao affect the object graph ActualValue and
   SetValue unit, default r/m.
   Attribute PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit in this Ao affect the object graph
   bar scale and trend.

IndWarning Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer
Body RtBody
   Indicator in object graph shows converter warning

IndError Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer
Body RtBody
   Indicator in object graph shows converter fault/tripped

IndStops Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer
Body RtBody
   Used in indicator startorder (flashing) in object graph thath
   shows stop command has been activated.

OpReset Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Button in object graph reset tripped converter

OpWritePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Button in object graph "more..." write parameter

OpReadPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Button in object graph "more..." read parameter

OpBackupPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Button in object graph "more..." backup parameters in converter

OpWrite16bit Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|State|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Option button in object graph "more..."  Write 16 bit word

CommOk Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Communication link to converter okey

AlarmOk Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Converter has started up, alarm message "ready"

PowerStartUp Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter starting up "wait", indicator "Status" in object graph flashing

ReadyRemote Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Object ready for remote control

ConvertReady Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Converter ready to start (MainStatusSW bit 0 and STO not active).
   It is recommended to use this signal if false to reset
   startorders from PLC to avoid unwanted motor restarts.

ConvertRun Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter/motor running (MainStatusSW bit 2 and communication Ok).

ConvertTripped Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Converter has tripped (MainStatusSW).
   Message in text form in object graph.

ConvertInhibit Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter inhibited (MainStatusSW)

ConvertWarning Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Converter has warning (MainStatusSW).
   Message in text form in object graph.

ConvertRemote Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter not in local mode, remote/local button on the display-panel (MainStatusSW)

ConvertSTO Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
   Converter Safe Torque Off "STO" (E-stop)(UserStatusSW1)
   True if converter is interlocked by STO.

ConvertMagnetized Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter magnetized, i.e. good to use for synchronously start
  between converters (UserStatusSW1)

ConvertZeroSpeed Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Boolean
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit
Body RtBody
  Converter zero speed (UserStatusSW1). Good to use for bit
  control in control word (MainControlWord)

ConvertWarnMess1 Attribute
Class Attribute
Type ABB_ACS880WarnMessEnum
Body RtBody
  Converter active warning message 1.
  The warning message is displayed in the object graph.
  Note, ProviewR displays the decimal value while the
  the hexadecimal value is used in ABB references.

ConvertFaultMess1 Attribute
Class Attribute
Type ABB_ASC880FaultMessEnum
Body RtBody
  Converter active fault/tripped message 1.
  The fault message is displayed in the object graph.
  Note, ProviewR displays the decimal value while the
  the hexadecimal value is used in ABB references.

PowerUpTime Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Float32
Flags ReduTransfer
Body RtBody
  Converter estimated start up time (boot time) when
  conveter is energized (power on).

RequestPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
  Value "requested parameter" in object graph "more..."

WriteValuePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "Write value parameter" in object graph "more..."

ReadValuePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "read value parameter" in object graph "more..."

ReadCodePar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "return code value" in object graph "more..."

ReadCodeParMess Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "Request/response message" in object graph "more..."

ReadCodeParErrMess Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "Error message" in object graph "more..."

ReadCodeSubPar Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Int32
Flags ReduTransfer|Noedit|DisableAttr
Body RtBody
   Value "return code subindex value" in object graph "more..."

AlarmLocalMod Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Alarm text converter in local mod

AlarmTripped Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
    Alarm text converter has tripped

AlarmFanOld Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Alarm text converter internal fan need maintenance.

   Reset alarm 'change fan' in the driver, see parameter 33.10
   'On-time 1 actual' in the drivers control panel. The timer will
   be reset if the 'reset' are depressed for over 3 seconds in
   this parameter settings menu.

AlarmWarning Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Alarm text converter has warning

AlarmConnection Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DSupComp
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Alarm text converter communication link is down

DefTrend Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
    Trend def.

HelpTopic Attribute
Class Attribute
Type String40
Body RtBody
   Topic "linked" to button "i" and help menu "help" in object graph i.e.
   help text in xtt_help.dat file, example, pump_P1.

DataSheet Attribute
Class Attribute
Type URL
Body RtBody
  Link to datasheet, example,

CircuitDiagram Attribute
Class Attribute
Type URL
Body RtBody
  Link to electrical diagram, example,

Note Attribute
Class Attribute
Type String80
Body RtBody
   Topic field "Note" in object graph for text message
   write by operator online.

Photo Attribute
Class Attribute
Type URL
Body RtBody
  Link to photo, example,

TrendActSpeed Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DsTrend
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Signal actual speed connected to trend object

TrendActTorque Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DsTrend
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Signal actual torque connected to trend object

TrendActCurrent Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DsTrend
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Signal actual current connected to trend object

TrendRefSpeed Attribute
Class Attribute
Type DsTrend
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Signal reference speed connected to trend object

PlotGroup Attribute
Class Attribute
Type PlotGroup
Flags Class
Body RtBody
   Plot group for all signals connected in trend objects

PlcConnect Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
   Connected ABB_ACS880_1Fo function object in PlcPgm.

SimConnect Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
   Connected ABB_ACS880_1Sim function object in PlcPgm.
   Only needed if simulate object it used.

IoConnect Attribute
Class Attribute
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
   Connected ABB_ACS880_PPO7_IoModule communication object in
   node hierarchy. Use Connect IO methode in the popup menu to
   connect. This methode connect all signals between node and
   plant hierarchy at once.

IoStatus Attribute
Class Attribute
Type Pointer to Status
Flags Pointer
Body RtBody
   Status link up from communication object
   in node hierarchy ABB_ACS880_Pb_Slave
   attribute Status.