Class ABB_ACS880_PPO7_V1_IoModule
Redaktör je
Version 1.0
Modified 13-JAN-2014 13:48:26.50
 Profinet PPO7 DP-V1 IO module object for frequency converter ABB ACS880.
 This IO module are the receive and transmit areas (channel) for the Profinet
 protocol PPO7 DP-V1. See class ABB_ACS880_PnDevice for more information.

 Connect the object to an object of class or subclass of
 ABB_ACS880_Pn_1 with the IoConnect method.

 The class ABB_ACS880_PPO7_V1_IoModule will automatically be
 included when you configure an ABB_ACS880_PnModule object.
 See class ABB_ACS880_PnDevice for more information.

 The figure below displays the result of the Profinet configuration in
 in the node hierarchy. The corresponding signals to the channels
 are found in the class ABB_ACS880_Pn_1.

 All the object for the Profibus slave, PPO7 DP-V1 and IO required to
 communicate are displayed in the figure below.

Example Connected signal and channel
 As the connection between individual signals and channels are predefined,
 it is only required to make one Io connection between the ABB_ACS880_Pn_1 and
 the IoModule object. By opening a signal object it is possible to see the
 predefined connection. For exampel the signal UserStatusSW1 is connected to
 the channel I_PZD6.

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_ABB_ACS880_PPO7_V1_IoModule
ChanIi I_SW   Received main status word from the converter
Parameter group 6 index 11.
ChanAi I_ACT   Received actual speed word from the converter
Parameter group 1 index 1.
ChanAi I_PZD3_4   Received actual current word from the converter
Parameter group 1 index 7.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 3
ChanAi I_PZD5   Received actual torque word from the converter
Parameter group 1 index 10.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 5
ChanIi I_PZD6   Received user status 1 word from the converter
Parameter group 6 index 50.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 6
ChanIi I_PZD7   Received warning message 1 word from the converter
Parameter group 4 index 6.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 7
ChanIi I_PZD8   Received fault/tripped message 1 word from the converter
Parameter group 4 index 1.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 8.
ChanIi I_PZD9   Not connected channel that can be user defined.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 9.
ChanIi I_PZD10   Not connected channel that can be user defined.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 10.
ChanIi I_PZD11   Not connected channel that can be user defined.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 11.
ChanIi I_PZD12   Not connected channel that can be user defined.
The parameter is defined in group 52 index 12.
ChanIo O_CW   Transmitted control word to the converter
Parameter group 6 index 1.
Parameter define in group 53 index 1.
ChanAo O_REF   Transmitted reference speed word to the converter
Parameter group 3 index 5.
Parameter define in group 53 index 2.
ChanAo O_PZD3   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 3.
ChanAo O_PZD4   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 4.
ChanAo O_PZD5   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 5.
ChanIo O_PZD6   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 6.
ChanIo O_PZD7   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 7.
ChanIo O_PZD8   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 8.
ChanIo O_PZD9   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 9.
ChanIo O_PZD10   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 10.
ChanIo O_PZD11   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 11.
ChanIo O_PZD12   Transmitted undefine word to the converter
Parameter define in group 53 index 12.

Template Object
I_SW.Description Status 16 bits from converter (fixed)
I_SW.Identity 52.1 (6.11) SW
I_SW.ConversionOn 1
I_SW.Representation 3
I_ACT.Description Status word from converter (fixed)
I_ACT.Identity 52.1 (1.1) Act
I_ACT.ConversionOn 1
I_ACT.ScanInterval 1
I_ACT.RawValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
I_ACT.RawValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
I_ACT.ChannelSigValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
I_ACT.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
I_ACT.SensorPolyType 1
I_ACT.SensorSigValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
I_ACT.SensorSigValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
I_ACT.ActValRangeLow -1.500000e+03
I_ACT.ActValRangeHigh 1.500000e+03
I_ACT.Representation 2
I_PZD3_4.Description Status word (32 bits) from converter
I_PZD3_4.Identity 52.3 and 4 (1.7) Current
I_PZD3_4.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD3_4.RawValRangeLow -3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.RawValRangeHigh 3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.ChannelSigValRangeLow -3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.SensorPolyType 1
I_PZD3_4.SensorSigValRangeLow -3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.SensorSigValRangeHigh 3.000000e+06
I_PZD3_4.ActValRangeLow -3.000000e+04
I_PZD3_4.ActValRangeHigh 3.000000e+04
I_PZD5.Description Status word from converter
I_PZD5.Identity 52.5 (1.10) Torque
I_PZD5.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD5.RawValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
I_PZD5.RawValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
I_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
I_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
I_PZD5.SensorPolyType 1
I_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
I_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
I_PZD5.ActValRangeLow -3.276800e+02
I_PZD5.ActValRangeHigh 3.276800e+02
I_PZD5.Representation 2
I_PZD6.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD6.Identity 52.6 (6.50) USW1
I_PZD6.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD6.Representation 3
I_PZD7.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD7.Identity 52.7 (4.6) Warn1
I_PZD7.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD7.Representation 3
I_PZD8.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD8.Identity 52.8 (4.1) Fault1
I_PZD8.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD8.Representation 3
I_PZD9.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD9.Identity 52.9 free
I_PZD9.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD9.Representation 3
I_PZD10.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD10.Identity 52.10 free
I_PZD10.ConversionOn 1
I_PZD10.Representation 3
I_PZD11.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD11.Identity 52.11 free
I_PZD11.Representation 3
I_PZD12.Description Status word or 16 bits from converter
I_PZD12.Identity 52.12 free
I_PZD12.Representation 3
O_CW.Description Control word to converter (fixed)
O_CW.Identity 53.1 (6.1) CW
O_CW.Representation 3
O_REF.Description Analog value word to converter (fixed)
O_REF.Identity 53.2 (3.5) Ref1
O_REF.OutPolyType 1
O_REF.ActValRangeLow -1.500000e+03
O_REF.ActValRangeHigh 1.500000e+03
O_REF.SensorSigValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
O_REF.SensorSigValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
O_REF.ChannelSigValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
O_REF.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
O_REF.RawValRangeLow -2.000000e+04
O_REF.RawValRangeHigh 2.000000e+04
O_REF.Representation 2
O_PZD3.Description Analog value word to converter
O_PZD3.Identity 53.3 free
O_PZD3.OutPolyType 1
O_PZD3.ActValRangeHigh 6.000000e+02
O_PZD3.SensorSigValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD3.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD3.RawValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD3.Representation 2
O_PZD4.Description Analog value word to converter
O_PZD4.Identity 53.4 free
O_PZD4.OutPolyType 1
O_PZD4.ActValRangeHigh 6.000000e+02
O_PZD4.SensorSigValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD4.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD4.RawValRangeHigh 6.000000e+04
O_PZD4.Representation 2
O_PZD5.Description Analog value word to converter
O_PZD5.Identity 53.5 free
O_PZD5.OutPolyType 1
O_PZD5.ActValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
O_PZD5.ActValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
O_PZD5.RawValRangeLow -3.276800e+04
O_PZD5.RawValRangeHigh 3.276700e+04
O_PZD5.Representation 2
O_PZD6.Description Integer value word to converter
O_PZD6.Identity 53.6 free
O_PZD6.Representation 2
O_PZD7.Description Integer value word to converter
O_PZD7.Identity 53.7 free
O_PZD7.Representation 2
O_PZD8.Description Integer value word to converter
O_PZD8.Identity 53.8 free
O_PZD8.Representation 2
O_PZD9.Description Integer value word to converter
O_PZD9.Identity 53.9 free
O_PZD9.Representation 2
O_PZD10.Description Integer value word to converter
O_PZD10.Identity 53.10 free
O_PZD10.Representation 2
O_PZD11.Description Integer value word or bits to converter
O_PZD11.Identity 53.11 free
O_PZD11.Representation 3
O_PZD12.Description Integer value word or bits to converter
O_PZD12.Identity 53.12 free
O_PZD12.Representation 3

Attributes detail

I_SW Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received main status word from the converter
  Parameter group 6 index 11.

I_ACT Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received actual speed word from the converter
  Parameter group 1 index 1.

I_PZD3_4 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received actual current word from the converter
  Parameter group 1 index 7.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 3

I_PZD5 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received actual torque word from the converter
  Parameter group 1 index 10.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 5

I_PZD6 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received user status 1 word from the converter
  Parameter group 6 index 50.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 6

I_PZD7 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received warning message 1 word from the converter
  Parameter group 4 index 6.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 7

I_PZD8 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Received fault/tripped message 1 word from the converter
  Parameter group 4 index 1.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 8.

I_PZD9 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Not connected channel that can be user defined.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 9.

I_PZD10 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Not connected channel that can be user defined.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 10.

I_PZD11 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Not connected channel that can be user defined.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 11.

I_PZD12 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIi
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Not connected channel that can be user defined.
  The parameter is defined in group 52 index 12.

O_CW Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted control word to the converter
  Parameter group 6 index 1.
  Parameter define in group 53 index 1.

O_REF Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted reference speed word to the converter
  Parameter group 3 index 5.
  Parameter define in group 53 index 2.

O_PZD3 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 3.

O_PZD4 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 4.

O_PZD5 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanAo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 5.

O_PZD6 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 6.

O_PZD7 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 7.

O_PZD8 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 8.

O_PZD9 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 9.

O_PZD10 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 10.

O_PZD11 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 11.

O_PZD12 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ChanIo
Flags Class
Kropp RtBody
  Transmitted undefine word to the converter
  Parameter define in group 53 index 12.