Class ABB_ACS880MotorAggrSim
Author je
Version 1.0
Modified 24-JUN-2013 11:11:45.02
Code PlcTemplate
 Plc simulation object to ABB_ACS880MotorAggr or
 ABB_ACS880EplMotorAggr (also Pump and Fan).

Object Graph

 Connect the function object to an object of class or subclass of
 ABB_ACS880MotorAggr or ABB_ACS880EplMotorAggr.

See also

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_ABB_ACS880MotorAggrSim
AttrRef PlcConnect   Reference to the simulated object.
Connect this object to ABB_ACS880MotorAggr (or Fan and Pump) in
plant hierarchy.
Boolean OpToggleCircuitBreaker   Simulate that the circuit breaker has detect over current.
Boolean OpToggleSafetySwitch   Simulate that the safety switch is off.
Boolean OpResetContactorFeedback   Simulate that the feedback from contactor is lost.
Boolean IndCircuitBreakerTripped   Indicator in object graph.
Boolean IndSafetySwitchOn   Indicator in object graph.
Boolean IndContactorFeedback   Indicator in object graph.

DevBody attributes 
pwrs:Class-$PlcNode PlcNode  

object_type 11
parameters[0] 0
parameters[1] 7
parameters[2] 0
parameters[3] 0
subwindows 1
subwindow_class[0] pwrb:Class-WindowPlc
graphmethod 0 (standard, individual attributes)
graphindex 0
default_mask[0] 0
default_mask[1] 0
segname_annotation 1
compmethod 58
compindex 0
tracemethod 0
traceindex 0
connectmethod 26
executeordermethod 2
objname ACS880MotorSim
graphname ACS880MotorSim

Template Object

Attributes detail

PlcConnect Intern
Class Intern
Type AttrRef
Body RtBody
  Reference to the simulated object.
  Connect this object to ABB_ACS880MotorAggr (or Fan and Pump) in
  plant hierarchy.

OpToggleCircuitBreaker Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Simulate that the circuit breaker has detect over current.

OpToggleSafetySwitch Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Simulate that the safety switch is off.

OpResetContactorFeedback Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags State|Noedit
Body RtBody
 Simulate that the feedback from contactor is lost.

IndCircuitBreakerTripped Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags Noedit
Body RtBody
 Indicator in object graph.

IndSafetySwitchOn Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags Noedit
Body RtBody
 Indicator in object graph.

IndContactorFeedback Intern
Class Intern
Type Boolean
Flags Noedit
Body RtBody
 Indicator in object graph.

PlcNode Buffer
Class Buffer
Type pwrs:Class-$PlcNode
Body DevBody