Class Pb_DP_Slave
Redaktör Robert Karlsson
Version 1.0
Modified 16-JAN-2006 09:46:40.50
 Object that configures one Profibus DP slave.

RtBody attributes pwr_sClass_Pb_DP_Slave
String80 Description   Description of slave
String80 Specification   Slave specification.
URL DataSheet   A URL to the data sheet for the equipment in this object.
String80 GSDfile   Link to a proper gsd-file for your slave.
Status Status   Indicates the current state of the bus in runtime. Updated by the I/O-handler.
PB__NORMAL : Slave is in normal operating state.
PB__NOCONN : There is no connection to the slave.
PB__CONFIGERR : The slave configuration does not match the slaves physical config.
PB__MASTERLOC : The slave has been configured from an other master.
PB__NOTREADY : The slave is in an undefined state.
PB__DISABLED : Slave is disabled, no i/o-handling will be performed.
IoProcessMask Process   Process that handles the slave. Plc(1), rt_io_comm(2) or application process(4).
Objid ThreadObject   Plc thread that handles the slave.
UInt16 SlaveAddress   Address of the slave (1 - 127).
ByteOrderingEnum ByteOrdering   Byte ordering of the slave.
Little or Big Endian (from which side do this slave eat it's egg, the little or big end ?).
FloatRepEnum FloatRepresentation   Float representation of the slave..
Intel or IEEE.
PbStallActionEnum StallAction   Stall action.
No action, reset inputs or set emergency break.
UInt8 DisableSlave   Flag that disables the initialization of the slave, if initialized turns off i/o-handling.
UInt16 ErrorCount   ErrorCount will increase every cycle if status is not PB__NORMAL.
UInt16 ErrorSoftLimit   If stall action is reset inputs, all inputs will be set to zero when this limit is reached.
UInt16 ErrorHardLimit   If stall action is emergency break, this action will be invoked when limit is reached.
String80 VendorName   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
String80 ModelName   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
String80 Revision   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
String80 HardwareRelease   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
String80 SoftwareRelease   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
UInt32 PNOIdent   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
UInt8 GroupIdent   This info is collected from the gsd-file.
UInt8 WdFact1   Watch dog factor 1.
UInt8 WdFact2   Watch dog factor 2.
Float32 StartupTime  
UInt16 PrmUserDataLen   Length of the parameter data to be sent to the slave during initialization.
Array of UInt8 PrmUserData   Parameter data to be sent to the slave during initialization.
UInt8 AutoConfigure   Not implemented.
UInt16 ConfigDataLen   Length of the config data to be sent to the slave during initialization.
Array of UInt8 ConfigData   Config data to be sent to the slave during initialization.
UInt16 SlaveUserDataLen   Not implemented.
Array of UInt8 SlaveUserData   Not implemented.
UInt16 BytesOfInput   Bytes of input from slave.
UInt16 BytesOfOutput   Bytes of output to slave.
UInt16 BytesOfDiag   Bytes of available extended diagnostic information from slave.
UInt16 OffsetInputs   Offset in Profiboard DPRAM.
UInt16 OffsetOutputs   Offset in Profiboard DPRAM.
UInt16 NumberModules   Number of modules on slave.
Array of UInt8 Inputs   Input data area.
Array of UInt8 Outputs   Output data area.
Array of UInt8 Diag   Extended diagnostics data area.
PbStationStatus1Mask StationStatus1   Default profibus diagnostic information.
PbStationStatus2Mask StationStatus2   Default profibus diagnostic information.
PbStationStatus3Mask StationStatus3   Default profibus diagnostic information.

Template Object
Process 1
StallAction 1
ErrorSoftLimit 15
ErrorHardLimit 50
WdFact1 10
WdFact2 10
StartupTime 5.000000e+00

Attributes detail

Description Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Description of slave

Specification Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Slave specification.

DataSheet Attribute
Klass Attribute
Kropp RtBody
 A URL to the data sheet for the equipment of this object.
 The data sheet can be displayed from the popup menu for this object.

GSDfile Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
Link to a proper gsd-file for your slave.

Status Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Status
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Indicates the current state of the bus in runtime. Updated by the I/O-handler.
PB__NORMAL : Slave is in normal operating state.
PB__NOCONN : There is no connection to the slave.
PB__CONFIGERR : The slave configuration does not match the slaves physical config.
PB__MASTERLOC : The slave has been configured from an other master.
PB__NOTREADY : The slave is in an undefined state.
PB__DISABLED : Slave is disabled, no i/o-handling will be performed.

Process Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ IoProcessMask
Kropp RtBody
Process that handles the slave. All slaves belonging to the same Profiboard must be handled
by the same process.

1: The slave is handled by the plc process, and by a specific
   thread in the plc, which is specified in the ThreadObject attribute.
2: The slave is handled by the rt_io_comm process.
4: The slave is handled by an application program.

ThreadObject Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Objid
Kropp RtBody
The PlcThread object of the plc thread that handles the slave.
The slave is handled with the scantime of the thread.
All slaves

SlaveAddress Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
Address of the slave (1 - 127).

ByteOrdering Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ ByteOrderingEnum
Kropp RtBody
Byte ordering of the slave.
Little or Big Endian (from which side do this slave eat it's egg, the little or big end ?).

FloatRepresentation Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ FloatRepEnum
Kropp RtBody
Float representation of the slave..
Intel or IEEE.

StallAction Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PbStallActionEnum
Kropp RtBody
Stall action.
No action, reset inputs or set emergency break.

DisableSlave Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt8
Kropp RtBody
Flag that disables the initialization of the slave, if initialized turns off i/o-handling.

ErrorCount Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
ErrorCount will increase every cycle if status is not PB__NORMAL.

ErrorSoftLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
If stall action is reset inputs, all inputs will be set to zero when this limit is reached.

ErrorHardLimit Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
If stall action is emergency break, this action will be invoked when limit is reached.

VendorName Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

ModelName Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

Revision Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

HardwareRelease Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

SoftwareRelease Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ String80
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

PNOIdent Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt32
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

GroupIdent Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt8
Kropp RtBody
This info is collected from the gsd-file.

WdFact1 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt8
Kropp RtBody
The parameters WdFact1 and WdFact2 represent factors for setting
the watchdog control. The watchdog control in a DP-Slave takes care
that, if the master fails, the outputs fall in the safe state after
the expiration of this time.
t[ms] = 10*WdFact1*WdFact2

WdFact2 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt8
Kropp RtBody
The parameters WdFact1 and WdFact2 represent factors for setting
the watchdog control. The watchdog control in a DP-Slave takes care
that, if the master fails, the outputs fall in the safe state after
the expiration of this time.
t[ms] = 10*WdFact1*WdFact2

StartupTime Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Float32
Kropp RtBody

PrmUserDataLen Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
Length of the parameter data to be sent to the slave during initialization.

PrmUserData Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Parameter data to be sent to the slave during initialization.

AutoConfigure Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt8
Kropp RtBody
Not implemented.

ConfigDataLen Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
Length of the config data to be sent to the slave during initialization.

ConfigData Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Config data to be sent to the slave during initialization.

SlaveUserDataLen Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Kropp RtBody
Not implemented.

SlaveUserData Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Not implemented.

BytesOfInput Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Bytes of input from slave.

BytesOfOutput Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Bytes of output to slave.

BytesOfDiag Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Bytes of available extended diagnostic information from slave.

OffsetInputs Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Offset in Profiboard DPRAM.

OffsetOutputs Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Offset in Profiboard DPRAM.

NumberModules Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ UInt16
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Number of modules on slave.

Inputs Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array|Noedit|Invisible
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Input data area.

Outputs Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array|Noedit|Invisible
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Output data area.

Diag Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ Array of UInt8
Flags Array|Noedit|Invisible
Elements 256
Kropp RtBody
Extended diagnostics data area.

StationStatus1 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PbStationStatus1Mask
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Default profibus diagnostic information.

StationStatus2 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PbStationStatus2Mask
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Default profibus diagnostic information.

StationStatus3 Attribute
Klass Attribute
Typ PbStationStatus3Mask
Flags Noedit|Invisible
Kropp RtBody
Default profibus diagnostic information.