 * ProviewR   Open Source Process Control.
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2023 SSAB EMEA AB.
 * This file is part of ProviewR.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with ProviewR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
 * Linking ProviewR statically or dynamically with other modules is
 * making a combined work based on ProviewR. Thus, the terms and
 * conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
 * combination.
 * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders of
 * ProviewR give you permission to, from the build function in the
 * ProviewR Configurator, combine ProviewR with modules generated by the
 * ProviewR PLC Editor to a PLC program, regardless of the license
 * terms of these modules. You may copy and distribute the resulting
 * combined work under the terms of your choice, provided that every
 * copy of the combined work is accompanied by a complete copy of
 * the source code of ProviewR (the version used to produce the
 * combined work), being distributed under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License plus this exception.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "co_math.h"
#include "co_time.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_dcli.h"
#include "rt_plc_bcomp.h"
#include "rt_plc_msg.h"


void RunTimeCounterFo_init(pwr_sClass_RunTimeCounterFo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
  if (o->PlcConnectP && o->ResetP == &o->Reset)
    ((pwr_sClass_RunTimeCounter*)o->PlcConnectP)->AccTripReset = 1;
void RunTimeCounterFo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_RunTimeCounterFo* o)
  pwr_tDeltaTime TimeSince;
  pwr_sClass_RunTimeCounter* co = (pwr_sClass_RunTimeCounter*)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  if (*o->ResetP && !o->OldReset)
    co->TripReset = 1;
  time_FloatToD(&TimeSince, *o->ScanTime);
  /* Test if New Trip */
  if (co->TripReset) {
    co->OldTripNOfStarts = co->TripNOfStarts;
    co->OldTripUsage = co->TripUsage;
    co->OldTripTime = co->TripTime;
    co->OldTripRunTime = co->TripRunTime;
    co->TripNOfStarts = 0;
    co->TripRunTime.tv_sec = co->TripRunTime.tv_nsec = 0;
    co->TripTime.tv_sec = co->TripTime.tv_nsec = 0;
    co->TripReset = 0;
  /* Update Calendar time */
  time_Dadd_NE(&co->TotalTime, &co->TotalTime, &TimeSince);
  time_Dadd_NE(&co->TripTime, &co->TripTime, &TimeSince);
  /* Test if running */
  o->Start = 0;
  if (*o->RunningP) {
    /* New start ? */
    if (!o->Running) {
      o->Start = 1;
    } /* End if new start */
    /* Update Running Time */
    time_Dadd_NE(&co->TripRunTime, &co->TripRunTime, &TimeSince);
    time_Dadd_NE(&co->TotalRunTime, &co->TotalRunTime, &TimeSince);
  } /* End if Running */
  o->Running = co->Running = *o->RunningP;
  /* Calculate usage % */
  if (co->TotalRunTime.tv_sec)
        = ((float)co->TotalRunTime.tv_sec) / co->TotalTime.tv_sec * 100;
  if (co->TripTime.tv_sec)
    co->TripUsage = ((float)co->TripRunTime.tv_sec) / co->TripTime.tv_sec * 100;
  o->OldReset = *o->ResetP;


void CompModePID_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompModePID_Fo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
void CompModePID_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompModePID_Fo* o)
  pwr_sClass_CompModePID* co = (pwr_sClass_CompModePID*)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  /* Get indata */
  co->ProcVal = *o->ProcValP;
  co->XSetVal = *o->XSetValP;
  if (o->XForcValP != &o->XForcVal)
    co->XForcVal = *o->XForcValP;
  co->Forc1 = *o->Forc1P;
  co->Forc2 = *o->Forc2P;
  co->OutVal = *o->OutValP;
  /* Make appropriate actions, depending on actual mode */
  /* Manual */
  if (co->OpMod <= 1) {
    co->Force = TRUE;
    co->ManMode = TRUE;
    co->AutMode = FALSE;
    co->CascMod = FALSE;
    /* External setpoint ? */
    if ((co->AccMod & 2) == 0)
      co->SetVal = co->XSetVal;
    /* Test if Force in manual mode */
    if (co->Forc1)
      co->ForcVal = co->XForcVal;
    else {
      if (co->ForcVal < co->MinOut)
	co->ForcVal = co->MinOut;
      else if (co->ForcVal > co->MaxOut)
	co->ForcVal = co->MaxOut;
  } else {
    /* Not Manual Mode */
    if (co->OpMod == 2) {
      /* Auto */
      co->ManMode = FALSE;
      co->AutMode = TRUE;
      co->CascMod = FALSE;
    } else {
      /* Cascade mode */
      co->ManMode = FALSE;
      co->AutMode = FALSE;
      co->CascMod = TRUE;
      co->SetVal = o->SetVal = co->XSetVal;
    /* Test if force in Auto or Cascade */
    if (co->Forc1 || co->Forc2) {
      co->Force = TRUE;
      co->ForcVal = co->XForcVal;
    } else {
      co->Force = FALSE;
      co->ForcVal = co->OutVal;
  if (co->SetVal < co->MinSet)
    co->SetVal = co->MinSet;
  else if (co->SetVal > co->MaxSet)
    co->SetVal = co->MaxSet;
  co->Error = co->ProcVal - co->SetVal;
  /* Transfer to outputs */
  o->SetVal = co->SetVal;
  o->ForcVal = co->ForcVal;
  o->Force = co->Force;
  o->AutMode = co->AutMode;
  o->CascMod = co->CascMod;


void CompPID_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompPID_Fo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
/* Define Algoritm bitmask */
#define IALG 1 /* Integral part -> Incremental algorithm */
#define PALG 2 /* Proportional part exists */
#define PAVV 4 /* Proportional part working on control difference */
#define DALG 8 /* Derivative part exists */
#define DAVV 16 /* Derivative part working on control difference */
//#define IWUP 1 /* Windup limitation on I part */
#define BIWUP 2 /* Windup limitation on Bias and I part */
#define BPIWUP 4 /* Windup limitation on Bias PI part */
#define BPIDWUP                                                                \
  8 /* Windup limitation on Bias and PID part (Default, old funcionality */
void CompPID_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompPID_Fo* o)
  float xold; /* Local variables */
  float eold;
  float bfold;
  float ddiff;
  float derold;
  double ut;
  double dut;
  float kd;
  double absut;
  float gain;
  pwr_sClass_CompPID* co = (pwr_sClass_CompPID*)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  /* Save old values */
  xold = co->ProcVal;
  eold = co->ControlDiff;
  bfold = co->Bias;
  derold = co->FiltDer;
  /* Get Input */
  co->ProcVal = *o->ProcValP;
  if (o->SetValP != &o->SetVal)
    co->SetVal = *o->SetValP;
  if (o->ForcValP != &o->ForcVal)
    co->ForcVal = *o->ForcValP;
  if (o->BiasP != &o->Bias)
    co->Bias = *o->BiasP;
  if (o->ForceP != &o->Force)
    co->Force = *o->ForceP;
  if (o->IntOffP != &o->IntOff)
    co->IntOff = *o->IntOffP;
    o->IntOff = co->IntOff;
  /* Calculate Controller Error and Filtered derivate */
  co->ControlDiff = co->ProcVal - co->SetVal;
  ddiff = ((co->PidAlg & DAVV) != 0) ? (co->ControlDiff - eold) / *o->ScanTime
                                     : (co->ProcVal - xold) / *o->ScanTime;
  if (((co->DerGain * *o->ScanTime) >= co->DerTime) || (co->DerTime <= 0))
    co->FiltDer = ddiff; /* No Filter */
  else {
    kd = 1.0 / (1.0 + co->DerGain * *o->ScanTime / co->DerTime);
    co->FiltDer += (ddiff - derold) * (1.0 - kd);
  if (co->Inverse == 0)
    gain = co->Gain;
    gain = -co->Gain;
  if (co->Force) {
    /* Force */
    co->OutChange = co->ForcVal - co->OutVal;
    co->OutVal = co->OutWindup = co->ForcVal;
    co->EndMin = FALSE;
    co->EndMax = FALSE;
    /* Adjust for bumpless transfer to auto */
        = co->OutVal - gain * co->ControlDiff - co->BiasGain * co->Bias;
    if ((co->PidAlg & IALG) != 0)
      co->AbsOut = 0.0;
      co->AbsOut = co->OutVal;
    if (co->WindupMask < BIWUP)
      co->OutWindup -= co->BiasGain * co->Bias;
    if (co->WindupMask < BPIWUP)
      co->OutWindup -= gain * co->ControlDiff;
    co->AbsOut = co->OutVal - co->OutWindup;
  else {
    /* Auto mode */
    dut = absut = 0.0;
    if ((co->PidAlg & IALG) != 0)
    /* Incremental algorithm */
      /* Integral-part */
      if ((*o->IntOffP == FALSE) && (co->IntTime > 0))
        dut = co->ControlDiff * *o->ScanTime / co->IntTime;
      if ((co->PidAlg & PALG) != 0)
        dut *= gain;
        gain = 0.0; /* Pure I-controller */
      /* Bias */
      if (co->WindupMask >= BIWUP) /* Windup on Bias */
        dut += co->BiasGain * (co->Bias - bfold);
        absut = co->BiasGain * co->Bias;
      /* P-part */
      if (co->WindupMask >= BPIWUP) /* Windup on P */
        dut += ((co->PidAlg & PAVV) != 0) ? gain * (co->ControlDiff - eold)
                                          : gain * (co->ProcVal - xold);
        absut += gain * co->ControlDiff;
      /* Derivative-part */
      if ((co->PidAlg & DALG) != 0) {
        if (co->WindupMask >= BPIDWUP) /* Windup on D */
          dut += gain * (co->FiltDer - derold) * co->DerTime;
          absut += gain * co->FiltDer * co->DerTime;
      /* Limit output */
      co->OutWindup += dut;
      if (co->OutWindup > co->MaxWindup) {
        co->OutWindup = co->MaxWindup;
        co->EndMax = TRUE;
      } else if (co->OutWindup < co->MinWindup) {
        co->OutWindup = co->MinWindup;
        co->EndMin = TRUE;
      ut = co->OutWindup + absut;
      if (ut > co->MaxOut)
        ut = co->MaxOut;
      else if (ut < co->MinOut)
        ut = co->MinOut;
      dut += absut - co->AbsOut;
    /* Nonincremental algorithm */
      /* P-part */
      ut = co->ControlDiff;
      /* Derivative-part */
      if ((co->PidAlg & DALG) != 0)
        ut += co->FiltDer * co->DerTime;
      /* Gain */
      ut *= gain;
      /* Bias and Man offset*/
      if (co->PDAbsFlag)
        co->PDManOffset = 0;
      ut += co->BiasGain * co->Bias + co->PDManOffset;
      /* Limit output */
      if (co->MaxOut > co->MinOut) {
        if (ut > co->MaxOut)
          ut = co->MaxOut;
        else if (ut < co->MinOut)
          ut = co->MinOut;
      dut = ut - co->OutVal;
      absut = ut;
    /* Output Auto */
    co->OutChange = dut;
    co->OutVal = ut;
    co->AbsOut = absut;
  /* Transfer outputs */
  o->OutVal = co->OutVal;
  o->OutChange = co->OutChange;
  o->ControlDiff = co->ControlDiff;
  o->EndMax = co->EndMax;
  o->EndMin = co->EndMin;


void CompOnOffBurnerFo_init(pwr_sClass_CompOnOffBurnerFo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
void CompOnOffBurnerFo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompOnOffBurnerFo* o)
  pwr_sClass_CompOnOffBurner* co = (pwr_sClass_CompOnOffBurner*)o->PlcConnectP;
  pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo* zono;
  pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZone* zonco;
  pwr_tFloat32 Cnt;
  zono = (pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo*)((char*)o->InP
      - (sizeof(pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo)
            - pwr_AlignLW(sizeof(pwr_tFloat32))));
  zonco = (pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZone*)zono->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co || !zonco)
  co->Executing = zonco->Executing;
  if (!co->Executing) {
    o->Status = co->Status = 0;
    co->BrTime = 0;
    co->TrendStatus = (pwr_tFloat32)co->Number;
  if (zonco->CycleCount < 0.5)
    co->OnDetected = 0;
  if ((co->PulseOn && co->BrTime < zonco->BurnerTimeMinOn)
      || (!co->PulseOn && co->BrTime < zonco->BurnerTimeMinOff)) {
    co->BrTime += *o->ScanTime;
  if (co->ManMode && co->OpMan) {
    if ((o->Status && !co->ManStatus) || (!o->Status && co->ManStatus))
      co->BrTime = 0;
    o->Status = co->Status = co->ManStatus;
    co->TrendStatus = (pwr_tFloat32)co->Number + 0.8 * (co->Status ? 1 : 0);
    co->BrTime += *o->ScanTime;
  } else
    co->ManStatus = 0;
  if (zonco->PauseMode)
    co->PulseTime = zonco->BurnerTimeMinOff;
    co->PulseTime = zonco->BurnerTimeMinOn;
  Cnt = zonco->CycleCount - 100.0 * co->Number / zonco->NumberOfBurners;
  if (Cnt < 0)
    Cnt += 100;
  if (zonco->PauseMode)
    co->OffCnt = co->PulseTime / zonco->CycleTime * 100;
    co->OffCnt = (zonco->CycleTime - co->PulseTime) / zonco->CycleTime * 100;
  if (Cnt >= 0 && Cnt < co->OffCnt && !co->Status) {
    // Turn on
    co->OnDetected = 1;
    co->Status = 1;
    co->BrTime = 0;
  } else if (Cnt >= co->OffCnt && co->Status) {
    // Turn off
    co->Status = 0;
    co->BrTime = 0;
  co->BrTime += *o->ScanTime;
  co->TrendStatus = (pwr_tFloat32)co->Number + 0.8 * (co->Status ? 1 : 0);
  o->Status = co->Status;


void CompOnOffZoneFo_init(pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
void CompOnOffZoneFo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZoneFo* o)
  pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZone* co = (pwr_sClass_CompOnOffZone*)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  co->Power = o->Power = *o->PowerP;
  co->Executing = o->Execute = *o->ExecuteP;
  if (co->Power < co->PowerMin)
    co->Power = co->PowerMin;
  if (co->Power > co->PowerMax)
    co->Power = co->PowerMax;
  if (!co->Executing) {
    co->CycleCount = 0;
      = (co->Power / 100 > (co->BurnerTimeMinOff
                               / (co->BurnerTimeMinOn + co->BurnerTimeMinOn)))
      ? 0
      : 1;
  if (co->PauseMode) {
    if (co->Power != 100.0)
      co->CycleTime = co->BurnerTimeMinOff * 100.0 / co->Power;
  } else {
    if (!feqf(co->Power, 0.0f))
      co->CycleTime = co->BurnerTimeMinOn * 100.0 / (100.0 - co->Power);
  co->CycleCount += *o->ScanTime / co->CycleTime * 100;
  if (co->CycleCount > 100)
    co->CycleCount = 0;
//---- modified v0.3-----------------------------------------------START--------


#define MAXCELLS 100
//#define Normalize(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) y =
//(((((ymax)-(ymin))/((xmax)-(xmin)))*((x)-(xmin)))+(ymin)) // replaced by a
// function in v0.3
void CompIMC_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &plc_obj->PlcConnect, (void**)&plc_obj->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    plc_obj->PlcConnectP = 0;
void Normalize(pwr_tFloat32 x, pwr_tFloat32* y, pwr_tFloat32 xmin,
    pwr_tFloat32 xmax, pwr_tFloat32 ymin, pwr_tFloat32 ymax) // v0.3
  if ((xmax - xmin) != 0.0)
    *y = (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin) * (x - xmin) + ymin;
void LagFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
    pwr_tFloat32 Tlag)
  if (Tlag < tp->ActualScanTime) {
    plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
  pwr_tFloat32 kf = 1.0 / (1.0 + Tlag / tp->ActualScanTime);
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = CLAMP(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = (1.0 - kf) * plant_obj->S[n + 1] + kf * plant_obj->S[n];
void LeadLagFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
    pwr_tFloat32 T1, pwr_tFloat32 T2)
  if (T2 < tp->ActualScanTime) {
    plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
    plant_obj->M[n] = plant_obj->S[n];
  pwr_tFloat32 kc = -T1 / tp->ActualScanTime;
  pwr_tFloat32 kd = T2 / tp->ActualScanTime;
  pwr_tFloat32 ka = 1.0 + kd;
  pwr_tFloat32 kb = 1.0 - kc;
  if (ka <= 0)
    return; // v0.3
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = CLAMP(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = kd / ka * plant_obj->S[n + 1]
      + kb / ka * plant_obj->S[n] + kc / ka * plant_obj->M[n];
  plant_obj->M[n] = plant_obj->S[n];
void SouFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
    pwr_tFloat32 w0P, pwr_tFloat32 ksi)
  if (w0P <= 0.0) {
    plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
  pwr_tFloat32 a0 = tp->ActualScanTime * tp->ActualScanTime * w0P * w0P + 2.0 * ksi * tp->ActualScanTime * w0P + 1.0;
  pwr_tFloat32 a1 = 2.0 * (ksi * tp->ActualScanTime * w0P + 1.0);
  pwr_tFloat32 a2 = -1.0;
  pwr_tFloat32 b0 = tp->ActualScanTime * tp->ActualScanTime * w0P * w0P;
  if (a0 <= 0)
    return; // v0.3
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = CLAMP(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
  plant_obj->uOutm2 = plant_obj->uOutm1;
  plant_obj->uOutm1 = plant_obj->S[n + 1];
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = a1 / a0 * plant_obj->uOutm1
      + a2 / a0 * plant_obj->uOutm2 + b0 / a0 * plant_obj->S[n];
void SouTOoFilter(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
    pwr_tFloat32 w0, pwr_tFloat32 ksi, pwr_tFloat32 Tl1, pwr_tFloat32 Tl2)
  if (w0 <= 0.0) {
    plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
  pwr_tFloat32 b0 = tp->ActualScanTime * tp->ActualScanTime * w0 * w0 + 2.0 * ksi * tp->ActualScanTime * w0 + 1.0;
  pwr_tFloat32 b1 = -2.0 * (ksi * tp->ActualScanTime * w0 + 1.0);
  pwr_tFloat32 b2 = 1.0;
  pwr_tFloat32 a0 = w0 * w0 * (Tl1 + tp->ActualScanTime) * (Tl2 + tp->ActualScanTime);
  pwr_tFloat32 a1 = w0 * w0 * (2.0 * Tl1 * Tl2 + tp->ActualScanTime * (Tl1 + Tl2));
  pwr_tFloat32 a2 = -w0 * w0 * Tl1 * Tl2;
  if (a0 <= 0)
    return; // v0.3
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = CLAMP(plant_obj->S[n + 1], 0.0, 100.0);
  plant_obj->Outm2 = plant_obj->Outm1;
  plant_obj->Outm1 = plant_obj->S[n + 1];
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = a1 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm1 + a2 / a0 * plant_obj->Outm2
      + b0 / a0 * plant_obj->S[n] + b1 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm1
      + b2 / a0 * plant_obj->Inm2;
  plant_obj->Inm2 = plant_obj->Inm1;
  plant_obj->Inm1 = plant_obj->S[n];
void Delay(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj, pwr_tInt16 n,
    pwr_tFloat32 Delay) // Only one delay per IMC objectavailable
  pwr_tFloat32 OP = 0.0;
  int i, Ntime, Nscan;
  if ((int)Delay < tp->ActualScanTime) {
    plant_obj->S[n + 1] = plant_obj->S[n];
  } // return if nothing can be done
  if (!feqf(plant_obj->PrevDelay, Delay))
    for (i = MAXCELLS - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      plant_obj->D[i] = plant_obj->S[n]; // reset if delay param as changed
  plant_obj->PrevDelay = Delay; // Apply new delay
  Nscan = (int)(0.5 + Delay / tp->ActualScanTime); // Calculate number of cells needed
  if (Nscan > MAXCELLS) // Things to do if delay time is more than 100 times
  // scan time
    Ntime = (int)(0.5
        + Delay
            / (tp->ActualScanTime * (pwr_tFloat32)
                        MAXCELLS)); // calculate number of time lags to count
    if (plant_obj->DtCtr == 0)
      for (i = 0; i <= MAXCELLS; i++)
        plant_obj->D[i] = plant_obj->S[n]; // reset all the array
    OP = plant_obj->D[MAXCELLS - 1]; // copy last array item to output
    if (plant_obj->DtCtr >= Ntime) // if time elapsed -> shift array
      plant_obj->DtCtr = 0; // Reset time lag counter
      for (i = MAXCELLS - 1; i > 0; i--)
        plant_obj->D[i] = plant_obj->D[i - 1]; // shift all the array
      plant_obj->D[0] = plant_obj->S[n]; // copy input to first array item
    plant_obj->DtCtr++; // decrement time lag counter
  } else // things to do if delay time is less than (or equal to) 100 times
  // scan time
    OP = plant_obj->D[Nscan - 1]; // copy last active array item to output
    for (i = Nscan; i > 0; i--)
          = plant_obj->D[i - 1]; // shift a sufficient part of the array
    plant_obj->D[0] = plant_obj->S[n]; // copy input to first array item
  plant_obj->S[n + 1] = OP; // copy to function output
void CompIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
  pwr_sClass_CompIMC* plant_obj = (pwr_sClass_CompIMC*)plc_obj->PlcConnectP;
  if (!plant_obj)
  pwr_tFloat32 man_OP, sig, yr, LSP, PV, nLSP, nPV, Tl1, Tl2;
  pwr_tInt16 i;
  pwr_tFloat32 OP;
  plant_obj->PV = *plc_obj->PVP; // Process value: copy IMC_Fo to IMC
  plant_obj->SP = *plc_obj->SPP; // Setpoint value: copy IMC_Fo to IMC
  plant_obj->aut = *plc_obj->autP; // Auto input: copy IMC_Fo to IMC
  plant_obj->FF = *plc_obj->FFP; // FF: copy IMC_Fo to IMC
  plant_obj->Trim_SP = *plc_obj->Trim_SPP; // Trim_SP: copy IMC_Fo to IMC
  LSP = plant_obj->SP + plant_obj->Trim_SP; // Calculate working setpoint
  LSP = CLAMP(LSP, plant_obj->LL_SP, plant_obj->HL_SP); // Apply limits
  Normalize(LSP, &nLSP, plant_obj->LR_PV, plant_obj->HR_PV, 0.0,
      100.0); // Normalize setpoint value // v0.3
  PV = plant_obj->PV; // Copy from GUI
  Normalize(PV, &nPV, plant_obj->LR_PV, plant_obj->HR_PV, 0.0,
      100.0); // Normalize process value // v0.3
  sig = (plant_obj->Inverse)
      ? nLSP - nPV
      : nPV - nLSP; // Error signal after direct/inverse Comparator
  plant_obj->EP = -sig; // Calculate error value to display
  if (!plant_obj->aut) { // Manage manual mode & reset all buffers
    sig = 0;
    Normalize(*plc_obj->Man_OPP, &man_OP, plant_obj->LR_OP, plant_obj->HR_OP,
        0.0, 100.0); // v0.3
    for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
      plant_obj->S[i] = man_OP;
    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      plant_obj->D[i] = man_OP;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      plant_obj->M[i] = man_OP;
    plant_obj->Inm1 = plant_obj->Inm2 = plant_obj->Outm1 = plant_obj->Outm2
        = man_OP;
    plant_obj->uOutm1 = plant_obj->uOutm2 = man_OP;
    yr = *plc_obj->Man_OPP;
    yr = CLAMP(yr, plant_obj->LL_OP,
        plant_obj->HL_OP); // Apply limits on control signal
    plc_obj->OP = plant_obj->OP = yr;
  } else { // Calculate IMC controller
    if (tp->ActualScanTime <= 0)
      return; // v0.3
    if (plant_obj->Accel < 1.0)
      return; // v0.3
    if (plant_obj->Gain > 0.0)
      sig /= plant_obj->Gain;
      return; // Apply static gain // v0.3
    plant_obj->S[0] = sig + plant_obj->S[11]; // Add previous model's feedback
    LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 0,
        plant_obj->RobTau); // Increasing robustness by low pass filtering
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 8) {
      LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 1, plant_obj->LeadT);
      LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 2, plant_obj->LagT3,
          plant_obj->LagT3 / plant_obj->Accel);
    } else
      plant_obj->S[3] = plant_obj->S[2] = plant_obj->S[1];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 1)
      LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 3, plant_obj->LagT1,
          plant_obj->LagT1 / plant_obj->Accel);
      plant_obj->S[4] = plant_obj->S[3];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 2)
      LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 4, plant_obj->LagT2,
          plant_obj->LagT2 / plant_obj->Accel);
      plant_obj->S[5] = plant_obj->S[4];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 4) {
      Tl1 = Tl2
          = plant_obj->ksi * M_PI / (2.0 * plant_obj->Accel * plant_obj->w0);
      SouTOoFilter(tp, plant_obj, 5, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi, Tl1, Tl2);
    } else
      plant_obj->S[6] = plant_obj->S[5];
    OP = plant_obj->S[6];
    OP = CLAMP(OP, 0.0, 100.0); // Apply limits on model output
    Normalize(OP, &yr, 0.0, 100.0, plant_obj->LR_OP,
        plant_obj->HR_OP); // Denormalize output // v0.3
    yr += plant_obj->FF; // Add feedforward input value
    yr = CLAMP(yr, plant_obj->LL_OP,
        plant_obj->HL_OP); // Apply limits to control signal
    plc_obj->OP = plant_obj->OP = yr; // copy to GUI objects
    // Model's feedback
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 1)
      LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 6, plant_obj->LagT1);
      plant_obj->S[7] = plant_obj->S[6];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 2)
      LagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 7, plant_obj->LagT2);
      plant_obj->S[8] = plant_obj->S[7];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 8)
      LeadLagFilter(tp, plant_obj, 8, plant_obj->LeadT, plant_obj->LagT3);
      plant_obj->S[9] = plant_obj->S[8];
    if (plant_obj->ProcModel & 4)
      SouFilter(tp, plant_obj, 9, plant_obj->w0, plant_obj->ksi);
      plant_obj->S[10] = plant_obj->S[9];
    Delay(tp, plant_obj, 10, plant_obj->DelayT);
//---- modified v0.3-----------------------------------------------END----


void CompModeIMC_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompModeIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &plc_obj->PlcConnect, (void**)&plc_obj->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    plc_obj->PlcConnectP = 0;
void CompModeIMC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompModeIMC_Fo* plc_obj)
  pwr_sClass_CompModeIMC* plant_obj
      = (pwr_sClass_CompModeIMC*)plc_obj->PlcConnectP;
  if (!plc_obj)
  plant_obj->PV = *plc_obj->PVP; // Copy from GUI
  plant_obj->OP = *plc_obj->OPP; // Copy from GUI
  if ((plant_obj->Mode == pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual) // Manage manual mode
      && (plant_obj->PrevMode != pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual))
    plant_obj->Loc_OP = plant_obj->OP;
  if (plant_obj->Mode != pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual) // Manage auto mode
    plant_obj->Loc_OP = *plc_obj->OPP;
    plc_obj->Man_OP = plant_obj->Loc_OP;
  if ((plant_obj->Mode != pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual)
      && (plant_obj->PrevMode == pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual)
      && (plant_obj->BumpLess)) // copy PV to SP when bumpless is set & aut to
    // man transition
    plant_obj->Loc_SP = plant_obj->PV;
  if ((plant_obj->Mode == pwr_eImcModeEnum_Auto)
      && (plant_obj->PrevMode == pwr_eImcModeEnum_Remote)
      && (plant_obj->BumpLess)) // copy PV to SP when bumpless is set & rem to
    // man transition
    plant_obj->Loc_SP = plant_obj->PV;
  if (!feqf(plant_obj->Loc_SP, plant_obj->SP))
    plant_obj->SP = plant_obj->Loc_SP; // set SP to manual GUI SP setting
  if (plant_obj->Mode == pwr_eImcModeEnum_Remote)
        = *plc_obj
               ->Rem_SPP; // set SP to external SP when remote mode is selected
  plc_obj->SP = plant_obj->SP; // copy plant SP to plc SP
  plc_obj->aut = (plant_obj->Mode
      != pwr_eImcModeEnum_Manual); // set aut output on plc object
  plant_obj->EP = (plant_obj->PV - plant_obj->SP); // calculate EP
  plant_obj->PrevMode = plant_obj->Mode; // memorize last mode


void CompCurveTabValueFo_init(pwr_sClass_CompCurveTabValueFo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
  if (ODD(sts))
    sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
        (void**)&o->CurveTabObjectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->CurveTabObjectP = 0;
void CompCurveTabValueFo_exec(
    plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompCurveTabValueFo* o)
  pwr_sClass_CompCurveTabValue* co
      = (pwr_sClass_CompCurveTabValue*)o->PlcConnectP;
  pwr_sClass_CompCurveTab* to = (pwr_sClass_CompCurveTab*)o->CurveTabObjectP;
  int ii;
  float x0, x1, y0, y1;
  pwr_tInt32 confError = 0;
  if (!co || !to)
  o->ActVal = *o->InP;
  if (to->NoOfPoints <= 0)
    confError = 1;
  else if (to->NoOfPoints > 50)
    confError = 2;
  else {
    for (ii = 1; ii < to->NoOfPoints && !confError; ii++) {
      if (to->X[ii] < to->X[ii - 1])
        confError = 3;
  to->ConfigurationError = confError;
  if (!confError) {
    x1 = x0 = to->X[0];
    y1 = y0 = to->Y[0];
    for (ii = 1; ii<to->NoOfPoints&& * o->InP> x1; ii++) {
      x0 = x1;
      x1 = to->X[ii];
      y0 = y1;
      y1 = to->Y[ii];
    if (*o->InP <= x0)
      o->ActVal = y0; /* End of table */
    else if (*o->InP >= x1)
      o->ActVal = y1; /* End of table */
          = y0 + (y1 - y0) * (*o->InP - x0) / (x1 - x0); /* Interpolation */
  co->ActVal = o->ActVal;
  co->In = *o->InP;


static void CompCurvePolValueFo_draw(pwr_sClass_CompCurvePol* o)
  int i, j;
  pwr_tFloat32 x, y;
  pwr_tFloat32 dx = (o->MaxShowX - o->MinShowX) / CURVEPOL_POINTS;
  if (o->Power == 1) {
    o->DisplayNoOfPoints = 2;
    o->DisplayX[0] = o->MinShowX;
    o->DisplayX[1] = o->MaxShowX;
    o->DisplayY[0] = o->PolyCoeff[0] + o->MinShowX * o->PolyCoeff[1];
    o->DisplayY[1] = o->PolyCoeff[0] + o->MaxShowX * o->PolyCoeff[1];
  } else {
    x = o->MinShowX;
    for (i = 0; i <= CURVEPOL_POINTS; i++) {
      y = 0;
      for (j = o->Power; j > 0; j--)
        y = x * (o->PolyCoeff[j] + y);
      y += o->PolyCoeff[0];
      o->DisplayX[i] = x;
      o->DisplayY[i] = y;
      x += dx;
    o->DisplayNoOfPoints = CURVEPOL_POINTS + 1;
  o->UpdateDisplay = 0;
void CompCurvePolValueFo_init(pwr_sClass_CompCurvePolValueFo* o)
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
  if (ODD(sts))
    sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
        (void**)&o->CurvePolObjectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->CurvePolObjectP = 0;
  if (o->CurvePolObjectP
      && ((pwr_sClass_CompCurvePol*)o->CurvePolObjectP)->UpdateDisplay)
void CompCurvePolValueFo_exec(
    plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompCurvePolValueFo* o)
  pwr_sClass_CompCurvePolValue* co
      = (pwr_sClass_CompCurvePolValue*)o->PlcConnectP;
  pwr_sClass_CompCurvePol* to = (pwr_sClass_CompCurvePol*)o->CurvePolObjectP;
  int i;
  float x, y;
  if (!co || !to)
  o->ActVal = *o->InP;
  if (to->Power > 5) {
    to->ConfigurationError = 1;
  } else
    to->ConfigurationError = 0;
  if (!to->ConfigurationError) {
    x = *o->InP;
    y = 0;
    for (i = to->Power; i > 0; i--)
      y = x * (to->PolyCoeff[i] + y);
    y += to->PolyCoeff[0];
    o->ActVal = y;
    if (to->UpdateDisplay)
  co->ActVal = o->ActVal;
  co->In = *o->InP;
/* MPC Model predictive contoller */
typedef struct {
  float acc;
  float value;
  float output;
} t_vacc;
/* Interpolation for Curve relations. */
static float mpc_interpolate(float *curve, unsigned int c_len, float val)
  unsigned int i;
  float ret;
  if (val < curve[0]) {
    ret = curve[1] - (curve[0] - val) * (curve[3]- curve[1]) / (curve[2] - curve[0]);
    return ret;
  for (i = 1; i  < c_len * 2; i++) {
    if (val < curve[i*2]) {
      ret = curve[i*2+1] + (val - curve[i*2]) * (curve[i*2+1] - curve[(i-1)*2+1]) / (curve[i*2] - curve[(i-1)*2]);
      return ret;
  ret = curve[(c_len-1)*2+1] + (val - curve[(c_len-1)*2]) * (curve[(c_len-1)*2+1] - curve[(c_len-2)*2+1]) / (curve[(c_len-1)*2] - curve[(c_len-2)*2]);
  return ret;
/* Calculation of linear regression model */
static float mpc_model(pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Fo *o, pwr_sClass_CompMPC *co, 
		       float out, float av0, float timestep)
  float av;
  switch (co->Algorithm) {
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_None:
    av = 0;
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FixTimeStep:
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_ProgressiveTimeStep:
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep: {
    int i, j;
    pwr_tFloat32 val;
    for (i = 0; i < co->NoOfAttr; i++) {
      if (i == 0) {
	if (co->BaseAttrRelation[0] == pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Integral)
	  av = av0;
	  av = 0;
	val = out;
	val = **(pwr_tFloat32 **)((char *)&o->Attr2P + pwr_cInputOffset * (i - 1));
      switch (co->BaseAttrRelation[i]) {
      case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Integral: {
	switch (co->TightAttrRelation[i]) {
	case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Curve: {
	  if ( i > 9)
	  pwr_sClass_table *t = *(pwr_sClass_table **)
	    ((char *)&o->Curve1P + pwr_cInputOffset * i);
	  val = mpc_interpolate(&t->TabVect[1], t->TabVect[0], val);
	for (j = i + 1; j < co->NoOfAttr; j++) {
	  if (co->BaseAttrRelation[j] == pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_No) {
	    pwr_tFloat32 tval = **(pwr_tFloat32 **)((char *)&o->Attr2P + pwr_cInputOffset * (j - 1));
	    switch (co->TightAttrRelation[j]) {
	    case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Sub:
	      val -= co->AttrCoeff[j] * tval;
	    case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Add:
	      val += co->AttrCoeff[j] * tval;
	    case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Multiply:
	      val *= co->AttrCoeff[j] * tval;
	    case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Divide:
	      val /= co->AttrCoeff[j] * tval;
	  else {
	av += val * co->AttrCoeff[i] * timestep;
	i = j;
      case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Linear:
	av += val * co->AttrCoeff[i];
      case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Curve: {
	if ( i > 9)
	pwr_sClass_table *t = *(pwr_sClass_table **)
	    ((char *)&o->Curve1P + pwr_cInputOffset * i);
	float p = mpc_interpolate(&t->TabVect[1], t->TabVect[0], val);
	av += p * co->AttrCoeff[i];
	//printf("Curve %6.3f %6.2f\n", p, val);
      case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Multiply:
	switch (co->TightAttrRelation[i]) {
	case pwr_eMpcAttrRelation_Curve: {
	  if ( i > 9)
	  pwr_sClass_table *t = *(pwr_sClass_table **)
	    ((char *)&o->Curve1P + pwr_cInputOffset * i);
	  val = mpc_interpolate(&t->TabVect[1], t->TabVect[0], val);
	av = av * val * co->AttrCoeff[i];
    av += co->Coeff0;
  return av;
/* Executes one predictive time scan */
static void mpc_tscan(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Fo* o, 
		      pwr_sClass_CompMPC* co, int tix, int *vix, 
		      int iter, float *iter_vout, float close_timer)
  if (tix == co->Steps)
  t_vacc **vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  int i;
  float t;
  float out;
  float av;
  float av0; // Previous procvalue
  float omin, omax, omiddle, oramp;
  float timestep;
  switch (co->Algorithm) {
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_ProgressiveTimeStep:
    t = 0;
    timestep = co->TimeStep;
    for (i = 1; i < tix; i++) {
      t += timestep;
      timestep *= co->TimeStepFactor;
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
    if (tix == 0) {
      t = 0;
      timestep = co->TimeStepFirst;
    else {
      t = co->TimeStepFirst + co->TimeStep * (tix - 1);
      timestep = co->TimeStep;
    t = (float)(co->TimeStep * tix);
    timestep = co->TimeStep;
  oramp = co->OutRamp;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutRampClose) {
    if (co->OutRampCloseActive)
      oramp = co->OutRampClose;
  for (i = 0; i < co->Splits; i++) {
    if (iter == 0) {
      if (tix == 0) {
	if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay && co->OutDelayP)
	  omiddle = co->OutDelayP[(int)(co->OutDelayTime / tp->f_scan_time)];
	  omiddle = o->OutValue;
	omiddle = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].output;
      omax = MIN(omiddle + oramp * timestep, co->OutMax);
      omin = MAX(omiddle - oramp * timestep, co->OutMin);
    else {
      if (tix == 0)
	omiddle = iter_vout[tix];
	omiddle = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].output + iter_vout[tix] - iter_vout[tix-1];
      omax = MIN(omiddle + oramp * timestep/(iter*2), co->OutMax);
      omin = MAX(omiddle - oramp * timestep/(iter*2), co->OutMin);
    out = omin + (omax - omin)/(co->Splits - 1) * i;
    if (tix == 0)
      av0 = *o->ProcValueP;
      av0 = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix]/co->Splits].value;
    av = mpc_model(o, co, out, av0, timestep); 
    vacc[tix][vix[tix]].output = out;
    vacc[tix][vix[tix]].value = av;
    if (tix > 0)
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].acc;
    if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_ModelCorrection)
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc += fabs(av - (co->SetValue + co->ModelCorr));
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc += fabs(av - co->SetValue);
    // printf("acc[%2d][%2d] %7.2f     sp %7.2f out %7.2f\n", tix, vix[tix], vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc, co->SetValue, out);      
    mpc_tscan(tp, o, co, tix+1, vix, iter, iter_vout, close_timer);


void CompMPC_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Fo* o)
  t_vacc **vacc;
  int size;
  int i;
  pwr_sClass_CompMPC *co;
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
  co = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC *)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  co->NoOfPaths = 0;
  co->Vacc = malloc(co->Steps * sizeof(float*));
  vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
    size = pow(co->Splits, i+1);
    vacc[i] = (t_vacc *)malloc(size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    memset(vacc[i], 0,  size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    co->NoOfPaths += size;
  if (cdh_ObjidIsNotNull(co->MonitorObject)) {
    pwr_tAttrRef a = cdh_ObjidToAref(co->MonitorObject);
    sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(&a, (void**)&co->MonitorP, &dlid);
    if (EVEN(sts))
      co->MonitorP = 0;
void CompMPC_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Fo* o)
  t_vacc **vacc;
  int i, j;
  int min_acc;
  int *vix;
  float *vout;
  int idx;
  int size;
  pwr_sClass_CompMPC *co = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC *)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  co->ProcValue = o->ProcValue = *o->ProcValueP;
  co->SetValue = o->SetValue = *o->SetValueP;
  co->ForceValue = o->ForceValue = *o->ForceValueP;
  co->Force = o->Force = *o->ForceP;
  if (*o->ForceP) {
    o->OutValue = *o->ForceValueP;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay) {
    if (!co->OutDelayP)
      co->OutDelayP = calloc(1, ((int)(co->OutDelayMaxTime / tp->f_scan_time) + 1) * sizeof(pwr_tFloat32));
    for (i = (int)(co->OutDelayMaxTime / tp->f_scan_time); i >= 1; i--)
      co->OutDelayP[i] = co->OutDelayP[i-1];
    co->OutDelayP[0] = o->OutValue;
  /* SetValue correction */
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_ModelCorrection) {
    if ( fabs(*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) < co->ModelCorrInterval) {
      if (!co->ModelCorrActive) {
	if (co->ModelCorrDelay != 0.0f) {
	  co->ModelCorrTimer += tp->f_scan_time;
	  if (co->ModelCorrTimer >= co->ModelCorrDelay) {
	    co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
	    co->ModelCorrActive = 1;
	else {
	  co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
	  co->ModelCorrActive = 1;
	co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
    else {
      co->ModelCorr = 0;
      co->ModelCorrActive = 0;
      co->ModelCorrTimer = 0;
  else {
    co->ModelCorr = 0;
    co->ModelCorrActive = 0;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutRampClose) {
    if ( fabsf(*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) < co->OutRampCloseInterval) {
      if (!co->OutRampCloseActive) {
	if (co->OutRampCloseDelay != 0.0f) {
	  co->OutRampCloseTimer += tp->f_scan_time;
	  if (co->OutRampCloseTimer >= co->OutRampCloseDelay)
	    co->OutRampCloseActive = 1;
	  co->OutRampCloseActive = 1;
    else {
      co->OutRampCloseActive = 0;
      co->OutRampCloseTimer = 0;
    co->OutRampCloseActive = 0;
  vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  vix = (int *)calloc(1, co->Steps * sizeof(unsigned int));
  mpc_tscan(tp, o, co, 0, vix, 0, 0, 0);
  min_acc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < pow(co->Splits, co->Steps); i++) {
    if (vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc < vacc[co->Steps-1][min_acc].acc)
      min_acc = i;	
  idx = min_acc;
  for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    idx = idx / co->Splits;
  vout = (float *)malloc(co->Steps * sizeof(float));
  for ( j = 0; j < co->Iterations; j++) {
    idx = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      vout[i] = vacc[i][idx].output;
      idx = idx / co->Splits;
    for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
      size = pow(co->Splits, i+1);
      memset(vacc[i], 0,  size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    memset(vix, 0, co->Steps * sizeof(unsigned int));
    mpc_tscan(tp, o, co, 0, vix, j+1, vout, co->OutRampCloseTimer);
    min_acc = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < pow(co->Splits,co->Steps); i++) {
      if (vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc < vacc[co->Steps-1][min_acc].acc)
	min_acc = i;	
    idx = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (i == 0)
      idx = idx / co->Splits;
  if (co->MonitorP) {
    int idx2;
    pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Monitor *mp = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Monitor *)co->MonitorP;
    mp->NoOfPoints = co->Steps + 1;
    idx2 = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      mp->Out[i+1] = vacc[i][idx2].output;
      mp->Proc[i+1] = vacc[i][idx2].value;
      idx2 = idx2 / co->Splits;
    mp->Out[0] = o->OutValue;
    mp->Proc[0] = *o->ProcValueP;
    mp->Time[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
      switch (co->Algorithm) {
      case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_ProgressiveTimeStep:
	if (i == 0)
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStep;
	  mp->Time[i+1] = mp->Time[i] * co->TimeStepFactor;
      case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
	if (i == 0)
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStepFirst;
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStepFirst + i * co->TimeStep;
	mp->Time[i+1] = (i+1) * co->TimeStep;
    mp->Set = *o->SetValueP;
    mp->MinOut = co->OutMin;
    mp->MaxOut = co->OutMax;
    mp->MinProc = co->SetMin;
    mp->MaxProc = co->SetMax;
    mp->MinTime = 0;
    mp->MaxTime = mp->Time[mp->NoOfPoints-1];
    mp->ModelValue = mpc_model(o, co, co->OutValue, *o->ProcValueP, co->TimeStep); 
  co->CurrentPath = min_acc;
  co->Error = *o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay && co->OutDelayP && co->OutDelayTime > FLT_EPSILON) {
    float dout, dlimit;
    switch (co->Algorithm) {
    case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
      dout = (vacc[0][idx].output - o->OutValue) * co->OutDelayTime / co->TimeStepFirst * co->Gain;
      dout = (vacc[0][idx].output - o->OutValue) * co->OutDelayTime / co->TimeStep * co->Gain;
    if (co->OutRampCloseActive)
      dlimit = co->OutRampClose * co->TimeStep * tp->f_scan_time;
      dlimit = co->OutRamp * co->TimeStep * tp->f_scan_time;
    if (dout > dlimit)
      dout = dlimit;
    else if (dout < -dlimit)
	dout = -dlimit;
    o->OutValue += dout;
    if (o->OutValue > co->OutMax)
      o->OutValue = co->OutMax;
    if (o->OutValue < co->OutMin)
      o->OutValue = co->OutMin;
  else {
    switch (co->Algorithm) {
    case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
      o->OutValue += (vacc[0][idx].output - o->OutValue) * tp->f_scan_time / co->TimeStepFirst * co->Gain;
      o->OutValue += (vacc[0][idx].output - o->OutValue) * tp->f_scan_time / co->TimeStep * co->Gain;
  co->OutValue = o->OutValue;
/* CompMPC_MLP */
typedef enum {
  mlp_eActivation_No = 0,
  mlp_eActivation_Identity = 1,
  mlp_eActivation_Logistic = 2,
  mlp_eActivation_Tanh = 3,
  mlp_eActivation_Relu = 4
} mlp_eActivation;
typedef struct {
  unsigned int layers;
  unsigned int *layer_sizes;
  mlp_eActivation activation;
  double **intercepts;
  double ***coefs;
  double **h;
  double *inputs;
  double aval[20];
  pwr_tFloat32 *outlist;
  unsigned int outlist_size;
  unsigned int outlist_idx;
} mlp_sCtx, *mlp_tCtx;
static void outlist_insert(mlp_tCtx mlp, pwr_tFloat32 out)
  mlp->outlist[mlp->outlist_idx] = out;
  if (mlp->outlist_idx >= mlp->outlist_size)
    mlp->outlist_idx = 0;
static pwr_tFloat32 outlist_get(mlp_tCtx mlp, unsigned int idx)
  int i;
  if (idx >= mlp->outlist_size)
    idx = mlp->outlist_size - 1;
  i = mlp->outlist_idx - 1 - idx;
  if (i < 0)
    i += mlp->outlist_size;
  return mlp->outlist[i];
static void mpc_mlp_imodel(mlp_tCtx mlp, double *x, double *out)
  unsigned int i, j, k;
  for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < mlp->layer_sizes[i+1]; j++) {
      mlp->h[i][j] = mlp->intercepts[i][j];
      for (k = 0; k < mlp->layer_sizes[i]; k++) {
	if (i == 0) {
	  mlp->h[i][j] += mlp->coefs[i][j][k] * x[k];
	  mlp->h[i][j] += mlp->coefs[i][j][k] * mlp->h[i-1][k];
      if (i != mlp->layers - 2) {
	switch (mlp->activation) {
	case mlp_eActivation_Tanh:
	  mlp->h[i][j] = tanh(mlp->h[i][j]);
	case mlp_eActivation_Identity:
	case mlp_eActivation_Relu:
	  if (mlp->h[i][j] < 0)
	    mlp->h[i][j] = 0;
	case mlp_eActivation_Logistic:
	  mlp->h[i][j] = 1.0/(1.0 - exp(-mlp->h[i][j]));
	default: ;
  *out = mlp->h[mlp->layers - 2][0];
static int mpc_mlp_import(pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *co, const char *file, mlp_sCtx *mlp)
  pwr_tFileName fname;
  FILE *fp;
  char line[2000];
  unsigned int i, j, k;
  unsigned int size, num;
  char *s;
  dcli_translate_filename(fname, file);
  fp = fopen(fname, "r");
  if (!fp)
    return PLC__FILE;
  while (dcli_read_line(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
    if (strncmp(line, "Scaler ", 7) == 0) {
      char sarray[20][40];
      if (sscanf(&line[7], "%d", &size) != 1)
      dcli_read_line(line, sizeof(line), fp);
      num = dcli_parse(line, " ", "", (char*)sarray,
        sizeof(sarray) / sizeof(sarray[0]), sizeof(sarray[0]),
      if (num < size)
      for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
	if (sscanf(sarray[i], "%f", &co->ScaleCoeff0[i]) != 1)
	  return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
      dcli_read_line(line, sizeof(line), fp);
      num = dcli_parse(line, " ", "", (char*)sarray,
        sizeof(sarray) / sizeof(sarray[0]), sizeof(sarray[0]),
      if (num < size)
      for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
	if (sscanf(sarray[i], "%f", &co->ScaleCoeff1[i]) != 1)
	  return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
    if (strncmp(line, "Layers ", 7) == 0) {
      if (sscanf(&line[7], "%d", &mlp->layers) != 1) {
    else if (strncmp(line, "LayerSizes ", 11) == 0) {
      mlp->layer_sizes = (unsigned int *)calloc(mlp->layers, sizeof(int));
      s = line;
      for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers; i++) {
	s = strchr(s, ' ');
	if (!s) {
	  return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
	if (sscanf(s, "%d", &mlp->layer_sizes[i]) != 1) {
	  return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
    else if (strncmp(line, "Activation ", 11) == 0) {
       if (strcmp(&line[11], "identity") == 0)
	 mlp->activation = mlp_eActivation_Identity;
       else if (strcmp(&line[11], "logistic") == 0)
	 mlp->activation = mlp_eActivation_Logistic;
       else if (strcmp(&line[11], "tanh") == 0)
	 mlp->activation = mlp_eActivation_Tanh;
       else if (strcmp(&line[11], "relu") == 0)
	 mlp->activation = mlp_eActivation_Relu;
	 mlp->activation = mlp_eActivation_No;
    else if (strncmp(line, "Intercepts", 9) == 0) {
      mlp->intercepts = (double **)calloc(mlp->layers - 1, sizeof(double *));
      for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++)
	mlp->intercepts[i] = (double *)calloc(mlp->layer_sizes[i+1], sizeof(double));
      for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++) {
	dcli_read_line(line, sizeof(line), fp);
	s = line;
	for (j = 0; j < mlp->layer_sizes[i+1]; j++) {
	  if (j != 0) {
	    s = strchr(s, ' ');
	  if (sscanf(s, "%lf", &mlp->intercepts[i][j]) != 1)
	    return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
    else if (strncmp(line, "Coefs", 5) == 0) {
      unsigned int i1, j1, k1;
      mlp->coefs = (double ***)calloc(mlp->layers, sizeof(double **));
      for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++) {
	mlp->coefs[i] = (double **)calloc(mlp->layer_sizes[i+1], sizeof(double));
	for ( j = 0; j < mlp->layer_sizes[i+1]; j++) {
	  mlp->coefs[i][j] = (double *)calloc(mlp->layer_sizes[i], sizeof(double));
      for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < mlp->layer_sizes[i+1]; j++) {
	  for (k = 0; k < mlp->layer_sizes[i]; k++) {
	    dcli_read_line(line, sizeof(line), fp);
	    sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %lf", &i1, &j1, &k1, &mlp->coefs[i][j][k]);
	    if (i1 != i || j1 != j || k1 != k)
	      return PLC__FILESYNTAX;
  /* Allocate weights */
  mlp->h = (double **)calloc(mlp->layers - 1, sizeof(double *));
  for (i = 0; i < mlp->layers - 1; i++) {
    mlp->h[i] = (double *)calloc(mlp->layer_sizes[i+1], sizeof(double));
  return PLC__SUCCESS;
static float mpc_mlpacc_model(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP_Fo *o, 
		       pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *co, 
		       float out, float av0, float timestep, int tix, int *vix)
  float av;
  double val;
  int i, idx;
  switch (co->Type) {
  case pwr_eMlpType_Normal:
    for (i = 0; i < co->LayerSizes[0]; i++) {
      if ( i == 0) {
	((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = (double)out;
      else {
	((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = (double)(**(pwr_tFloat32 **)((char *)&o->Attr2P + pwr_cInputOffset * (i - 1))) * co->ScaleCoeff1[i+1] + co->ScaleCoeff0[i+1];
  case pwr_eMlpType_Accumulating:
    for (i = 0; i < co->LayerSizes[0]; i++) {
      if (i == 0) {
	((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = (double)out;
      else if (i < co->NoOfShiftValues + 1) {
	/* Backshifted output value */
	if (i > tix) {
	  if (i == tix + 1)
	    idx = 0;
	    idx = (i - tix - 1) * co->TimeStep / tp->f_scan_time - 1;
	  ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = outlist_get((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP, idx) * co->ScaleCoeff1[1] + co->ScaleCoeff0[1];
	  ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = ((t_vacc **)co->Vacc)[tix-i][vix[tix-i]-1].output;
      else {
	((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs[i] = (double)(**(pwr_tFloat32 **)((char *)&o->Attr2P + pwr_cInputOffset * (i - co->NoOfShiftValues - 1))) * co->ScaleCoeff1[i-co->NoOfShiftValues+1] + co->ScaleCoeff0[i-co->NoOfShiftValues+1];
  mpc_mlp_imodel((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP, ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs, &val);
  av = (pwr_tFloat32)val; 
  return av;
#define mlp_scale(value, idx) ((value) * co->ScaleCoeff1[(idx)] + co->ScaleCoeff0[(idx)])
#define mlp_rescale(value, idx) (((value) - co->ScaleCoeff0[(idx)]) / co->ScaleCoeff1[(idx)])
static void mpc_mlpacc_tscan(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP_Fo* o, 
	       pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP* co, int tix, int *vix, 
	       int iter, float *iter_vout)
  if (tix == co->Steps)
  t_vacc **vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  int i;
  float t;
  float out;
  float av;
  float av0; // Previous procvalue
  float omin, omax, omiddle;
  float timestep;
  float oramp;
  switch (co->Algorithm) {
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_ProgressiveTimeStep:
    t = 0;
    timestep = co->TimeStep;
    for (i = 1; i < tix; i++) {
      t += timestep;
      timestep *= co->TimeStepFactor;
  case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
    if (tix == 0) {
      t = 0;
      timestep = co->TimeStepFirst;
    else {
      t = co->TimeStepFirst + co->TimeStep * (tix - 1);
      timestep = co->TimeStep;
    t = (float)(co->TimeStep * tix);
    timestep = co->TimeStep;
  oramp = co->OutRamp * co->ScaleCoeff1[1];
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutRampClose) {
    if (co->OutRampCloseActive)
      oramp = co->OutRampClose * co->ScaleCoeff1[1];
  for (i = 0; i < co->Splits; i++) {
    if (iter == 0) {
      if (tix == 0) {
	if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay && co->OutDelayP)
	  omiddle = mlp_scale(co->OutDelayP[(int)(co->OutDelayTime / tp->f_scan_time)], 1);
	  omiddle = mlp_scale(o->OutValue, 1);
	omiddle = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].output;
      omax = MIN(omiddle + oramp * timestep, mlp_scale(co->OutMax, 1));
      omin = MAX(omiddle - oramp * timestep, mlp_scale(co->OutMin, 1));
    else {
      if (tix == 0)
	omiddle = iter_vout[tix];
	omiddle = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].output + iter_vout[tix] - iter_vout[tix-1];
      omax = MIN(omiddle + oramp * timestep/(iter*2), mlp_scale(co->OutMax, 1));
      omin = MAX(omiddle - oramp * timestep/(iter*2), mlp_scale(co->OutMin, 1));
    out = omin + (omax - omin)/(co->Splits - 1) * i;
    if (tix == 0)
      av0 = mlp_scale(*o->ProcValueP, 0);
      av0 = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix]/co->Splits].value;
    av = mpc_mlpacc_model(tp, o, co, out, av0, timestep, tix, vix); 
    vacc[tix][vix[tix]].output = out;
    vacc[tix][vix[tix]].value = av;
    if (tix > 0)
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc = vacc[tix-1][vix[tix-1]-1].acc;
    if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_ModelCorrection)
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc += fabs(av - mlp_scale((co->SetValue + co->ModelCorr), 0)) * timestep;
      vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc += fabs(av - mlp_scale(co->SetValue, 0)) * timestep;
    // printf("acc[%2d][%2d] %7.2f     sp %7.2f out %7.2f\n", tix, vix[tix], vacc[tix][vix[tix]].acc, co->SetValue, out);      
    mpc_mlpacc_tscan(tp, o, co, tix+1, vix, iter, iter_vout);


void CompMPC_MLP_Fo_init(pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP_Fo* o)
  t_vacc **vacc;
  int size;
  int i;
  pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *co;
  pwr_tDlid dlid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(
      &o->PlcConnect, (void**)&o->PlcConnectP, &dlid);
  if (EVEN(sts))
    o->PlcConnectP = 0;
  co = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co)
  co->NoOfPaths = 0;
  co->Vacc = malloc(co->Steps * sizeof(float*));
  vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
    size = pow(co->Splits, i+1);
    vacc[i] = (t_vacc *)malloc(size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    memset(vacc[i], 0,  size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    co->NoOfPaths += size;
  o->ModelP = (mlp_tCtx)calloc(1, sizeof(mlp_sCtx));
  co->Status = mpc_mlp_import(co, co->ModelFile, (mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP);
  if (EVEN(co->Status)) {
    char astr[200];
    cdh_ArefToString(astr, sizeof(astr), &o->PlcConnect, 1);
    errh_Error("CompMPC_MLP initialization error, %s, %m", astr, co->Status);
  co->Layers = ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->layers;
  for (i = 0; i < MIN(co->Layers, sizeof(co->LayerSizes)/sizeof(co->LayerSizes[0])); i++)
    co->LayerSizes[i] = ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->layer_sizes[i];
  switch (((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->activation) {
  case mlp_eActivation_Tanh:
    strcpy(co->Activation, "tanh");
  case mlp_eActivation_Identity:
    strcpy(co->Activation, "identity");
  case mlp_eActivation_Relu:
    strcpy(co->Activation, "relu");
  case mlp_eActivation_Logistic:
    strcpy(co->Activation, "logistic");
    strcpy(co->Activation, "unknown");    
  if (co->NoOfShiftValues > co->LayerSizes[0] - 2) {
    char astr[200];
    co->Status = PLC__MPC_SHIFTVAL;
    cdh_ArefToString(astr, sizeof(astr), &o->PlcConnect, 1);
    errh_Error("CompMPC_MLP initialization error, %s, %m", astr, co->Status);
  ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->inputs = (double *)calloc(((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->layer_sizes[0],
  if (cdh_ObjidIsNotNull(co->MonitorObject)) {
    pwr_tAttrRef a = cdh_ObjidToAref(co->MonitorObject);
    sts = gdh_DLRefObjectInfoAttrref(&a, (void**)&co->MonitorP, &dlid);
    if (EVEN(sts))
      co->MonitorP = 0;
void CompMPC_MLP_Fo_exec(plc_sThread* tp, pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP_Fo* o)
  t_vacc **vacc;
  int i, j;
  int min_acc;
  int *vix;
  float *vout;
  int idx;
  int size;
  pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *co = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC_MLP *)o->PlcConnectP;
  if (!co || co->Status == PLC__FILE || co->Status == PLC__FILESYNTAX)
  if (((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->outlist == 0) {
    ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->outlist_size = co->Steps * lroundf(co->NoOfShiftValues / tp->f_scan_time);
    ((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->outlist = (pwr_tFloat32 *)calloc(((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP)->outlist_size, sizeof(pwr_tFloat32));
  co->ProcValue = o->ProcValue = *o->ProcValueP;
  co->SetValue = o->SetValue = *o->SetValueP;
  co->ForceValue = o->ForceValue = *o->ForceValueP;
  co->Force = o->Force = *o->ForceP;
  if (*o->ForceP) {
    o->OutValue = *o->ForceValueP;
    outlist_insert((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP, o->OutValue);
    co->ModelValue = mlp_rescale(mpc_mlpacc_model(tp, o, co, mlp_scale(o->OutValue, 1), 0, 
	co->TimeStep, -1, 0), 0);   
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay) {
    if (!co->OutDelayP)
      co->OutDelayP = calloc(1, ((int)(co->OutDelayMaxTime / tp->f_scan_time) + 1) * sizeof(pwr_tFloat32));
    for (i = (int)(co->OutDelayMaxTime / tp->f_scan_time); i >= 1; i--)
      co->OutDelayP[i] = co->OutDelayP[i-1];
    co->OutDelayP[0] = o->OutValue;
  /* SetValue correction */
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_ModelCorrection) {
    if ( fabs(*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) < co->ModelCorrInterval) {
      if (!co->ModelCorrActive) {
	if (co->ModelCorrDelay != 0.0f) {
	  co->ModelCorrTimer += tp->f_scan_time;
	  if (co->ModelCorrTimer >= co->ModelCorrDelay) {
	    co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
	    co->ModelCorrActive = 1;
	else {
	  co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
	  co->ModelCorrActive = 1;
	co->ModelCorr += (*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) * (*o->ScanTime) / co->ModelCorrIntTime;
    } else {
      co->ModelCorr = 0;
      co->ModelCorrActive = 0;
      co->ModelCorrTimer = 0;
  else {
    co->ModelCorr = 0;
    co->ModelCorrActive = 0;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutRampClose) {
    if ( fabsf(*o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP) < co->OutRampCloseInterval) {
      if (!co->OutRampCloseActive) {
	if (co->OutRampCloseDelay != 0.0f) {
	  co->OutRampCloseTimer += tp->f_scan_time;
	  if (co->OutRampCloseTimer >= co->OutRampCloseDelay)
	    co->OutRampCloseActive = 1;
	  co->OutRampCloseActive = 1;
    else {
      co->OutRampCloseActive = 0;
      co->OutRampCloseTimer = 0;
    co->OutRampCloseActive = 0;
  vacc = (t_vacc **)co->Vacc;
  vix = (int *)calloc(1, co->Steps * sizeof(unsigned int));
  mpc_mlpacc_tscan(tp, o, co, 0, vix, 0, 0);
  min_acc = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < pow(co->Splits, co->Steps); i++) {
    if (vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc < vacc[co->Steps-1][min_acc].acc)
      min_acc = i;	
    //printf( "%d acc %7.2f\n", i, vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc);
  // printf("min_acc %d\n", min_acc);
  idx = min_acc;
  for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
#if 0
    printf("vacc[%d][%d] %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", i, idx, vacc[i][idx].acc,
	   vacc[i][idx].value, vacc[i][idx].output);
    idx = idx / co->Splits;
  vout = (float *)malloc(co->Steps * sizeof(float));
  for ( j = 0; j < co->Iterations; j++) {
    idx = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      vout[i] = vacc[i][idx].output;
      idx = idx / co->Splits;
    for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
      size = pow(co->Splits, i+1);
      memset(vacc[i], 0,  size * sizeof(t_vacc));
    memset(vix, 0, co->Steps * sizeof(unsigned int));
    mpc_mlpacc_tscan(tp, o, co, 0, vix, j+1, vout);
    min_acc = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < pow(co->Splits,co->Steps); i++) {
      if (vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc < vacc[co->Steps-1][min_acc].acc)
	min_acc = i;	
      // printf( "%d acc %7.2f\n", i, vacc[co->Steps-1][i].acc);
    idx = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
#if 0
      printf("vacc[%d][%d] %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f\n", i, idx, vacc[i][idx].acc,
	     vacc[i][idx].value, vacc[i][idx].output);
      if (i == 0)
      idx = idx / co->Splits;
  if (co->MonitorP) {
    int idx2;
    pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Monitor *mp = (pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Monitor *)co->MonitorP;
    mp->NoOfPoints = co->Steps + 1;
    idx2 = min_acc;
    for (i = co->Steps - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      mp->Out[i+1] = mlp_rescale(vacc[i][idx2].output, 1);
      mp->Proc[i+1] = mlp_rescale(vacc[i][idx2].value, 0);
      idx2 = idx2 / co->Splits;
    mp->Out[0] = o->OutValue;
    mp->Proc[0] = *o->ProcValueP;
    mp->Time[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < co->Steps; i++) {
      switch (co->Algorithm) {
      case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_ProgressiveTimeStep:
	if (i == 0)
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStep;
	  mp->Time[i+1] = mp->Time[i] * co->TimeStepFactor;
      case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
	if (i == 0)
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStepFirst;
	  mp->Time[i+1] = co->TimeStepFirst + i * co->TimeStep;
	mp->Time[i+1] = (i+1) * co->TimeStep;
    mp->Set = *o->SetValueP;
    mp->MinOut = co->OutMin;
    mp->MaxOut = co->OutMax;
    mp->MinProc = co->SetMin;
    mp->MaxProc = co->SetMax;
    mp->MinTime = 0;
    mp->MaxTime = mp->Time[mp->NoOfPoints-1];
  co->CurrentPath = min_acc;
  co->Error = *o->SetValueP - *o->ProcValueP;
  if (co->Options & pwr_mMpcOptionsMask_OutDelay && co->OutDelayP && co->OutDelayTime > FLT_EPSILON) {
    float dout, dlimit;
    switch (co->Algorithm) {
    case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
      dout = (mlp_rescale(vacc[0][idx].output, 1) - o->OutValue) * co->OutDelayTime / co->TimeStepFirst * co->Gain;
      dout = (mlp_rescale(vacc[0][idx].output, 1) - o->OutValue) * co->OutDelayTime / co->TimeStep * co->Gain;
    if (co->OutRampCloseActive)
      dlimit = co->OutRampClose * co->TimeStep * tp->f_scan_time;
      dlimit = co->OutRamp * co->TimeStep * tp->f_scan_time;
    if (dout > dlimit)
      dout = dlimit;
    else if (dout < -dlimit)
      dout = -dlimit;
    o->OutValue += dout;
    if (o->OutValue > co->OutMax)
      o->OutValue = co->OutMax;
    if (o->OutValue < co->OutMin)
      o->OutValue = co->OutMin;
  else {
    switch (co->Algorithm) {
    case pwr_eMpcAlgorithm_FirstTimeStep:
      o->OutValue += (mlp_rescale(vacc[0][idx].output, 1) - o->OutValue) * tp->f_scan_time / co->TimeStepFirst * co->Gain;
      o->OutValue += (mlp_rescale(vacc[0][idx].output, 1) - o->OutValue) * tp->f_scan_time / co->TimeStep * co->Gain;
  co->OutValue = o->OutValue;
  outlist_insert((mlp_tCtx)o->ModelP, o->OutValue);
  co->ModelValue = mlp_rescale(mpc_mlpacc_model(tp, o, co, mlp_scale(co->OutValue, 1), 0, co->TimeStep, -1, 0), 0);   
  if (co->MonitorP)
    ((pwr_sClass_CompMPC_Monitor *)co->MonitorP)->ModelValue = co->ModelValue;