File/Save | | Save
File/Print/Documents | | Print all documents
File/Print/Overview | | Print an overview
File/Print/Selected documents | | Print selected documents
File/Syntax | | Perform a syntax check of the code
File/Build | | Compile the program
File/Plc Attributes | | Open the Object editor for the PlcPgm object
File/Delete Window | | Delete the plc window
File/Save Trace | | Save trace objects
File/Restore Trace | | Restore previously saved traceobjects
File/Close | | Close the window
Edit/Undo Delete | | Undo the last delete action
Edit/Undo Select | | Reset the select list
Edit/Cut | | Cut selected objects
Edit/Copy | | Copy selected object to the paste buffer
Edit/Paste | | Copy the paste buffer to the work area
Edit/Connect | | Connect selected object to the selected signal or attribute
| | in the configurator
Edit/Delete | | Delete selected objects
Edit/Change Text | | Change text in the selected text object
Edit/Expand Object | | Expand the selected object
Edit/Compress Object | | Compress the selected object
Search/Object | | Search for an object name
Search/String | | Search for a string
Search/Next | | Search further with the same string
View/Palette/Object | | Display the functions object palette
View/Palette/Connection | | Display the connection palette
View/Palette/Plant | | Display the plant hierarchy
View/Reference connections | | Create connections as reference connections
View/Grid Size | | Set grid size
View/Show Grid | | Show the grid
View/Zoom/In | | Zoom in
View/Zoom/Out | | Zoom out
View/Zoom/Reset | | Reset to original zoom factor
View/Show Execute Order | | Show execute order for the functions objects
View/Redraw | | Redraw connections and redraw the window
Functions/Open Object | | Open the object editor for the selected object
Functions/Subwindow | | Open the subwindow for the selected object
Mode/View | | View mode
Mode/Edit | | Edit mode
Mode/Trace | | Trace mode
Mode/Simulate | | Simulate mode
Click MB1 | | Select an object. Click in an empty space will reset the select list
Shift/Click MB1 | | Add object to the select list
DoubleClick MB1 | | Open object editor
Shift+Ctrl/DoubleClick MB1 | | Copy to past buffer. Click in an object
| | copies the object, click in empty space copies selected objects
Drag MB1 | | On an object: move object or move selected objects
| | In empty space: select objects inside the marked rectangle
Shift/Drag MB1 | | Add objects inside the marked rectangle to the select list
Click MB2 | | Create object
DoubleClick MB2 | | Delete. Click in object deletes the object, Click
| | in empty space deletes all the selected objects
Shift+Ctrl/Click MB2 | | Paste. Copy the paste buffer to the working area
Shift+Ctrl/DoubleClick MB2 | | Cut. Click in an object deletes the object, click
| | in an empty space deletes selected objects. Deletet object are put
| | in the paste buffer
Press MB3 | | Popup menu